Outrage anyone?


Why is it that we can get manufactured outrage on "behalf of the troops" if a Democrat botches a joke about failing school and ending up in Iraq? the second that joke hits the air, the troops are out! On the march! Fox News, MSNBC, Cnn, on every single news and political show there is, and then they hit the print venues. And oh, how outraged they all are.

And yet...

It's now obvious that this Kiley is an outright dirty liar. He should be court-martialed for this. But who is paying for this travesty? "Last week, the Army relieved of duty several low-ranking soldiers who managed outpatients. This week, in a move that some soldiers viewed as reprisal for speaking to the media, the wounded troops were told that early-morning room inspections would be held and that further contact with reporters is prohibited." Where is the outrage?

Rudy Giulliani, when talking about the looting of Iraqi weapons depots, said it wasn't Rumsfeld's fault, it wasn't the fault any of the brass. He was asked, well then, whose fault is it? And, on national television, he answered "the troops, it was the troops' fault". Where is the outrage? (and if he gets the nomination, that quote better be played over and over with professional "I'm so outraged" democrats playing their rolls half as good as the republicans do. I personally, will be emailing that quote to every single democratic consultant and news outlet I can find).

Republicans support the troops? BULLSHIT. They support bush and were able to use the troops to that end. As soon as the troops themselves need support for their own sakes, there is no support.

And I want to know, where is the f'ing outrage people????? Becasue if republicans were on televison telling you to be outraged by this, then you would be. The people in this country are shameful. They need someone to tell them, "Be outraged" "Did you hear what John Kerry said about our troops?" And they call themselves citizens?

Complaints About Walter Reed Were Voiced for Years

By Anne Hull and Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, March 1, 2007; A01

Top officials at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, including the Army's surgeon general, have heard complaints about outpatient neglect from family members, veterans groups and members of Congress for more than three years.

A procession of Pentagon and Walter Reed officials expressed surprise last week about the living conditions and bureaucratic nightmares faced by wounded soldiers staying at the D.C. medical facility. But as far back as 2003, the commander of Walter Reed, Lt. Gen. Kevin C. Kiley, who is now the Army's top medical officer, was told that soldiers who were wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan were languishing and lost on the grounds, according to interviews.

Steve Robinson, director of veterans affairs at Veterans for America, said he ran into Kiley in the foyer of the command headquarters at Walter Reed shortly after the Iraq war began and told him that "there are people in the barracks who are drinking themselves to death and people who are sharing drugs and people not getting the care they need."

"I met guys who weren't going to appointments because the hospital didn't even know they were there," Robinson said. Kiley told him to speak to a sergeant major, a top enlisted officer.

A recent Washington Post series detailed conditions at Walter Reed, including those at Building 18, a dingy former hotel on Georgia Avenue where the wounded were housed among mice, mold, rot and cockroaches.

Kiley lives across the street from Building 18. From his quarters, he can see the scrappy building and busy traffic the soldiers must cross to get to the 113-acre post. At a news conference last week, Kiley, who declined several requests for interviews for this article, said that the problems of Building 18 "weren't serious and there weren't a lot of them." He also said they were not "emblematic of a process of Walter Reed that has abandoned soldiers and their families."

But according to interviews, Kiley, his successive commanders at Walter Reed and various top noncommissioned officers in charge of soldiers' lives have heard a stream of complaints about outpatient treatment over the past several years. The complaints have surfaced at town hall meetings for staff and soldiers, at commanders' "sensing sessions" in which soldiers or officers are encouraged to speak freely, and in several inspector general's reports detailing building conditions, safety issues and other matters.

Retired Maj. Gen. Kenneth L. Farmer Jr., who commanded Walter Reed for two years until last August, said that he was aware of outpatient problems and that there were "ongoing reviews and discussions" about how to fix them when he left. He said he shared many of those issues with Kiley, his immediate commander. Last summer when he turned over command to Maj. Gen. George W. Weightman, Farmer said, "there were a variety of things we identified as opportunities for continued improvement."

In 2004, Rep. C.W. Bill Young (R-Fla.) and his wife stopped visiting the wounded at Walter Reed out of frustration. Young said he voiced concerns to commanders over troubling incidents he witnessed but was rebuffed or ignored. "When Bev or I would bring problems to the attention of authorities of Walter Reed, we were made to feel very uncomfortable," said Young, who began visiting the wounded recuperating at other facilities.

Beverly Young said she complained to Kiley several times. She once visited a soldier who was lying in urine on his mattress pad in the hospital. When a nurse ignored her, Young said, "I went flying down to Kevin Kiley's office again, and got nowhere. He has skirted this stuff for five years and blamed everyone else."

Young said that even after Kiley left Walter Reed to become the Army's surgeon general, "if anything could have been done to correct problems, he could have done it."

Soldiers and family members say their complaints have been ignored by commanders at many levels.

The fact is that the Neos support what the troops can do for THEM.
But that does not include support for the troops themselves.
The neos sure do support tyhe war industrial complex though.
The fact is that the Neos support what the troops can do for THEM.
But that does not include support for the troops themselves.
The neos sure do support tyhe war industrial complex though.

Yes. But I don't understand why people aren't on the phone flooding their congresspeople with phone calls, why they don't go down to their offices (I have), why they don't do anything?
Because the general population is pathetically apathetic.
Just as long as our bread and circuses continue we are content.