Over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have deserted the Ukrainian army.


Satire for Sanity
Not exactly fresh news - but relevant now that Trump is about to control Ukraine's purse strings, weaponry and future. It has taken just eleven years , from the John McCain led coup in 2014, for the US to own the country. This may well have been uppermost in the minds of the deserters. Some of them , no doubt, would have coime to the conclusion that the Russians were right in objecting to having NATO on their borders. Almost half of UKrainians, remember, are Russian-speaking, pro-Russians who have supported Putin from the outset.
Even if Trump should decide to continue to throw US taxpayers taxes into the Ukrainian money-pit, Ukrainians appear to have no desire to die for him as so many hundreds of thousands have died for Biden and the NATO protection racket.


NATO Ally Reports Desertions of Ukrainian Troops Training in Europe

Why It Matters
Ukrainians deserting a brigade while undergoing training in France could signifying a shift in mentality towards the war with Russia, and Kyiv's ability to continue fighting in it.

Needing more troops, desertion has become a significant problem for Ukraine. Prosecutors in the first four months of 2024 pursued nearly 19,000 soldiers, who either abandoned their posts or deserted, according to the Ukrainian parliament. In November, the country changed the law to allow first-time deserters to return without punishment.

It seems that Biden has been sending billions of dollars to an army that isn't there.