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Right winger: I wish to donate $5000 to the homeless.
Leftie winger: Fuxck off you rotten nazi fuxkwit scumbag arsehole..i hope you die.

They can't help it .... can someone explain why these lefties are like this?

Please look at ALL their posts on this forum -- it is undeniable.
Right winger: I wish to donate $5000 to the homeless.

Homelessness used to be seen as pretty much incurable. Every now and then, people would stop being homeless, but any program to help people would work much less than 10% of the time (at least in America).

There was a major breakthrough a few years ago. Housing first says whatever the homeless persons problems, you just get them housing. They do not need to do anything to earn that housing. They do not need to stop drugs, start psychological drugs, get a job, or anything else. Once you get them the home, you start working on everything else... But the first thing is getting them a home.

The American mind rebels against this. They have done nothing to earn a home, so why are we giving it to them? It turns out that solving any other problems for someone that is homeless is pretty much impossible... without a home. And getting someone a home is actually cheaper than dealing with them on the streets. No one is going to become long term homeless just for a very simple home, so little chance of abuse. It really works, well, over 50% of the time works.

A good pilot program would be to eliminate homelessness among veterans and families with children. We can move on from there to eliminate almost all other homelessness. There will always be one or two that refuse to come in from the cold, but 99% success is always pretty good.

Before Housing First, they primary success was preventative, keeping people from becoming homeless. Keeping minimum wage reasonable was a good step. Rent control did not work well. It discouraged building of new housing. Helping with low cost housing worked better than public housing. Vouchers also worked better than public housing, because if the recipient gets a better job, they do not have to move just stop getting the voucher. The voucher can even be decreased gradually as the situation gets better.

And the big one that helps prevent homelessness is universal health coverage.
Right winger: I wish to donate $5000 to the homeless.
Leftie winger: Fuxck off you rotten nazi fuxkwit scumbag arsehole..i hope you die.

They can't help it .... can someone explain why these lefties are like this?

Please look at ALL their posts on this forum -- it is undeniable.

Poor bait. Please discuss with Legion on how to make good baits.
Right winger: I wish to donate $5000 to the homeless.
Leftie winger: Fuxck off you rotten nazi fuxkwit scumbag arsehole..i hope you die.

They can't help it .... can someone explain why these lefties are like this?

Please look at ALL their posts on this forum -- it is undeniable.

Do you just post whatever crap pops into your head? You have strange thoughts there, Buckaroo.
Homelessness used to be seen as pretty much incurable. Every now and then, people would stop being homeless, but any program to help people would work much less than 10% of the time (at least in America).

There was a major breakthrough a few years ago. Housing first says whatever the homeless persons problems, you just get them housing. They do not need to do anything to earn that housing. They do not need to stop drugs, start psychological drugs, get a job, or anything else. Once you get them the home, you start working on everything else... But the first thing is getting them a home.

The American mind rebels against this. They have done nothing to earn a home, so why are we giving it to them? It turns out that solving any other problems for someone that is homeless is pretty much impossible... without a home. And getting someone a home is actually cheaper than dealing with them on the streets. No one is going to become long term homeless just for a very simple home, so little chance of abuse. It really works, well, over 50% of the time works.

A good pilot program would be to eliminate homelessness among veterans and families with children. We can move on from there to eliminate almost all other homelessness. There will always be one or two that refuse to come in from the cold, but 99% success is always pretty good.

Before Housing First, they primary success was preventative, keeping people from becoming homeless. Keeping minimum wage reasonable was a good step. Rent control did not work well. It discouraged building of new housing. Helping with low cost housing worked better than public housing. Vouchers also worked better than public housing, because if the recipient gets a better job, they do not have to move just stop getting the voucher. The voucher can even be decreased gradually as the situation gets better.

And the big one that helps prevent homelessness is universal health coverage.
There is a meme (or whatever you call those images) saying: ...
The principle point being that which is seen to be right and fair. One aspect linked to your comment on the homeless is the appearance of rewarding people who do not wish to help themselves. While others work very hard and strive to pay rent and mortgage. "Do the right thing".
I do NOT favour open borders but i am not a racist or xenophobe ( I am an immigrant) I strongly favour legal/lawful entry. I have 3 sons and 2 daughters. 2 of my sons work exceptionally hard they are still struggling as rent fees are exorbitant in UK. By the way they are both leftie wingers who support everyone. They love it that hundreds of thousands of foreigners from North Africa are walking into the UK and being housed in 4 star hotels paid by their tax money while they have nothing except hard work and pay rent.
Right winger: I wish to donate $5000 to the homeless.
Leftie winger: Fuxck off you rotten nazi fuxkwit scumbag arsehole..i hope you die.

They can't help it .... can someone explain why these lefties are like this?

Please look at ALL their posts on this forum -- it is undeniable.

There are no lefties on this forum, but Democrats are Nazi scumbags, yes.
I have cut out all the stuff about UK immigration, because homelessness is a complex enough topic, we do not need to veer into other topics. If you want to start a new thread about UK immigration, I might respond.

One aspect linked to your comment on the homeless is the appearance of rewarding people who do not wish to help themselves. While others work very hard and strive to pay rent and mortgage. "Do the right thing".

Why can't the long term homeless just help themselves? The answer to that question could take up a whole shelf full of books, but important part is they cannot. If they could help themselves, they would not be long term homeless.

The homeless are drags on society, and giving them a home reduces that drag. It costs less money, and is better than them, than keeping them homeless. After we get them a home, we can start working on making them productive members of society. Rather than being a drag, they can help society.

Isn't this just rewarding the homeless? I doubt anyone would become long term homeless just to get a cheap room for free. Much like I doubt many business travelers to NYC will line up at a homeless shelter to get a free bed.

Housing First is the pragmatic solution to homelessness, but I certainly understand how it can bother people. We are helping homeless people who have done nothing to deserve help.

Which all leads in to a question I have about Cordeela. She(I think that is a female name, but I could be wrong) started out by talking about being very generous with the homeless, and has quickly gone to being very ungenerous with the homeless. I can understand both positions, but why the quick leap between them?

Anyway, touching on British homelessness, there has been an amazing breakthrough there. I do not know a huge amount about it, but many British governments have tried to at least temporarily stamp out homelessness to stop the spread of Covid-19. They went from trying to end homelessness in a "few years" to doing it in a "few days". They got the funding based on anti-Covid-19 funding.

By taking the pressure of homelessness off these people, even temporarily, they have had some amazing breakthroughs in helping these people get back into society.
I have cut out all the stuff about UK immigration, because homelessness is a complex enough topic, we do not need to veer into other topics. If you want to start a new thread about UK immigration, I might respond.

Why can't the long term homeless just help themselves? The answer to that question could take up a whole shelf full of books, but important part is they cannot. If they could help themselves, they would not be long term homeless.

The homeless are drags on society, and giving them a home reduces that drag. It costs less money, and is better than them, than keeping them homeless. After we get them a home, we can start working on making them productive members of society. Rather than being a drag, they can help society.

Isn't this just rewarding the homeless? I doubt anyone would become long term homeless just to get a cheap room for free. Much like I doubt many business travelers to NYC will line up at a homeless shelter to get a free bed.

Housing First is the pragmatic solution to homelessness, but I certainly understand how it can bother people. We are helping homeless people who have done nothing to deserve help.

Which all leads in to a question I have about Cordeela. She(I think that is a female name, but I could be wrong) started out by talking about being very generous with the homeless, and has quickly gone to being very ungenerous with the homeless. I can understand both positions, but why the quick leap between them?

Anyway, touching on British homelessness, there has been an amazing breakthrough there. I do not know a huge amount about it, but many British governments have tried to at least temporarily stamp out homelessness to stop the spread of Covid-19. They went from trying to end homelessness in a "few years" to doing it in a "few days". They got the funding based on anti-Covid-19 funding.

By taking the pressure of homelessness off these people, even temporarily, they have had some amazing breakthroughs in helping these people get back into society.

I never, ever concentrate my comments upon the person making the comments. I never say for example; The thing about Walt is ......??
I always stick to the topic. It makes no difference whether i=one makes assumptions about the person. I dont know if you or others lie or fabricate about who they are. I DO NOT say you lie, I am not saying that. Neither do I lie. I do withhold info ref myself because thats how i deal with the internet as a whole and has nothing to do with individuals.
That said: I respect your current interaction on the matter of the homeless. You have not dished out insults so I will respect that and try to debate with you as mature people.
My point ref helping the homeless is divides into two; My financial comment ($500) was sarcasm aimed at the lefties who turn everything into an insult - if they think you are a Trump supporter. However, I try not ot be a hypocrite. In that, in principle I support the homeless but i do not give up my weekends and go out using my own money to help the homeless, perhaps I should. But i dont claim that I do. I am fully aware that the homeless issue is complex and that many will not accept help regardless of their state of mental health. They literally dont want help. I have taken a "tramp" like person from the streets into a cafeteria and bought them a meal and hot drink on 3 occasions.
I give money but never if i feel it is being drained off by some big charity.
I do not accept that illegal immigrants should be housed in 4 star hotels costing millions. I think that is a disgrace. So clearly there is money if the government redirect it to the homeless. But first they should close the borders. that is my view on this.
I was dragged up on a council estate a poor Irish family and all of us have grown up to be successful. My brother is a millionaire. i do not owe anyone a single penny. But I, like most people, worked hard and never forgot my roots.
I have been an activist socialist for many years but when I realised the left party types wanted to give away money thus cutting out the incentive to work for what you get - i dumped the left wing parties.
UK Labour now opposes free speech. is 100% committed to minority groups at the expense of the vast majority (LGBTQ for example) and operates against the rule of law. Thats a fact because I was an active member. I despise Political correctness and hate speech laws. They are a means of control and I wont have it. That does not mean I oppose fair wages and respect for people.
The new Labour leader STARMER actually TOOK THE KNEE - ffs. But opposed taking the Muslim rape gangs to court - a group who raped and tortured 19,000 young white girls in UK. NINETEEN THOUSAND !!! because it might cause racial problems and unrest??????
Right winger: I wish to donate $5000 to the homeless.
Leftie winger: Fuxck off you rotten nazi fuxkwit scumbag arsehole..i hope you die.

They can't help it .... can someone explain why these lefties are like this?

Please look at ALL their posts on this forum -- it is undeniable.

"They are children in the bodies of adults"
Right winger: I wish to donate $5000 to the homeless.
Leftie winger: Fuxck off you rotten nazi fuxkwit scumbag arsehole..i hope you die.

They can't help it .... can someone explain why these lefties are like this?

Please look at ALL their posts on this forum -- it is undeniable.

Its rather simple actually. The left has been led to believe they "care" more than repubs or conservatives. They also have been led to believe that anyone who is not a leftist can't care about others and is actually "greedy". You see for leftists feelings rule the day. That's why they continually support and enact ineffective policies because they are meant only to make leftists feel better. They aren't really interested in actually making things better they just want to feel better about themselves. See how it works?