Pa. Legislature Trying To Impeach Justices Who Struck Down Illegal Voting Districts.


Althea told me...........
Wow...State Supreme Court ruled that the gerrymandered districts are illegal. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld that ruling. Now, the Pa. Republican Legislature is going to try to dump the 5 justices who voted against them.

In a direct attack on the rule of law, Pennsylvania state Rep. Cris Dush (R) sent a memo to his colleagues Monday evening asking them to cosponsor articles of impeachment against five of the state’s seven supreme court justices.
The justices’ crime? Striking down the state’s gerrymandered congressional maps, which allowed Republicans to win 13 of the state’s 18 congressional seats even in election years when Democrats won a majority of the statewide popular vote.
Wow...State Supreme Court ruled that the gerrymandered districts are illegal. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld that ruling. Now, the Pa. Republican Legislature is going to try to dump the 5 justices who voted against them.

We'll have to keep an eye on this and see where it goes. Why am I not surprised that the GOP would try a tactic like this? Don't like a ruling? Send the judges to the gula.... er, impeach them and replace them with puppets who will do your bidding.

The gulags aren't far behind.
I'm surprised this isn't all over natl. news. This country is going down the tubes. Republicans are realizing that they are a vast minority in this nation. So they have to keep voter turnout low by any means necessary.
I'm surprised this isn't all over natl. news. This country is going down the tubes. Republicans are realizing that they are a vast minority in this nation. So they have to keep voter turnout low by any means necessary.

Then explain why PA. went red this past presidential election. What do you know about the "whens and hows" of my state's redistricting?
The justices’ crime? Striking down the state’s gerrymandered congressional maps, which allowed Republicans to win 13 of the state’s 18 congressional seats even in election years when Democrats won a majority of the statewide popular vote.

apparently that wasn't 2016......I find it interesting that in 2010 the PA Supreme Court decided unanimously that the congressional maps were legal.....Chrispy tells me that the change is because that court was more it safe to conclude, therefore, that this decision is totally political?......
It's about time the impeachment process was used. It should be used a lot more. Judges are the easiest to get rid of so it's a start...
It is not anarchy to follow the procedures of the Constitution and practiced for 227 years by both Democrats and Republicans.

Destroying the judicial because it will not allow you to cheat. Yeah, anarchy,. One man one vote, means nothing. Some votes should count more just like the constitution says......where?
Destroying the judicial because it will not allow you to cheat. Yeah, anarchy,. One man one vote, means nothing. Some votes should count more just like the constitution says......where?

How is following the Constitution cheating?
apparently that wasn't 2016......I find it interesting that in 2010 the PA Supreme Court decided unanimously that the congressional maps were legal.....Chrispy tells me that the change is because that court was more it safe to conclude, therefore, that this decision is totally political?......

I think it's safe to conclude that judicial decisions can be as biased as any other decisions.





BUSH V. GORE (2000)