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Gender reassignment surgery has been available on the NHS for more than 17 years.

It’s a treatment for those experiencing gender dysphoria, whereby a person recognizes a discrepancy between their biological sex and their gender identity.

Gender identity clinics are in place throughout the UK to provide support to those feeling distressed by their gender - but what happens when a trans person undergoes surgery and later decides to revert back to their gender?

Is it possible? Is it safe? And is it available on the NHS?

These are not questions that are not easily-answered. Five phone calls and endless emails later, the details regarding what circumstances would allow for such a treatment to be carried out on the NHS remain muddled.

It's potentially why some of those seeking “reversal” surgeries are heading to a clinic in Serbia, where Professor Misoslav Djordjevic has been performing them for five years at the Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive Surgery.

A specialist in genital reconstruction with 20 years of experience, Prof Djordjevic began conducting the innovative procedures after a transgender patient who had undergone surgery to remove male genitalia requested a reversal.

However, his services aren't easily-accessed. Djordjevic will only treat patients who have undergone a full one-year-long psychiatric evaluation and he stresses the importance of post-surgery aftercare, revealing that he remains in contact with the majority of his patients.

It's not simply a case of people regretting their decision, explains James Morton, manager at the Scottish Trans Alliance, who told The Independent that a range of factors could catalyze the desire for a gender reversal including unusual surgical complications.

So far, Djordjevic has exclusively treated transgender females who have asked to recreate their male genitalia.

Known as phalloplasty, the procedure entails the construction of a penis from skin taken from the groin, abdomen or thigh. Though the surgery produces aesthetic results, many mistakenly assume that it will ultimately render one’s genitalia physically futile.

However, a 2013 study revealed that the introduction of penile stiffeners has allowed some plastic surgeons to create a fully functioning organ.

It is a much more risky procedure than its male to female counterpart, vaginoplasty, whereby the testicles are removed and the skin of the penis is used to artificially create a vagina.

A proposed study to explore why transsexual people may want to “detransition” was reportedly shut down by Bath Spa University so as “not to offend people.” “The fundamental reason given was that it might cause criticism of the research on social media and criticism of the research would be criticism of the university and they also added it was better not to offend people,” James Caspian, the psychotherapist behind the proposed research, told BBC Radio 4.

He confessed to being “astonished” at the university’s decision.
A school has been accused of secretly allowing a 13-year-old girl to attend ‘radicalizing’ mentoring sessions that convinced her that she was transgender.

Ashleigh and Ged Barnett allege that until the one-to-one sessions began last September, their daughter appeared comfortable in her body and showed little interest in transgender issues.

But they say she had changed completely by November, sporting a short haircut and talking about feeling that she was really a "boy".

They were confused until they met her teacher to discuss another matter and learned that their daughter had been having weekly sessions with the head of the school’s "LGBT group".

‘Our daughter was egged on to feel that she’s a boy in a girl’s body,’ Mrs Barnett said.

‘The teaching assistant also pointed her in the direction of a YouTube website of a trans activist, which featured a video where they showed off their mastectomy scars and told how well the operation had gone.’

The couple said they were furious when they found school staff had let the teenager attend the sessions ‘behind our backs’. The teaching assistant encouraged their daughter to change in a boy’s cubicle and that staff began using a male name for her.

Mr Barnett said: ‘It’s no coincidence that she showed no signs of "gender dysphoria" immediately prior to the “mentoring”, but presented with classic signs afterwards.’

His wife added: ‘Last August she had lovely long hair, wore a dress and make-up, and looked like a pretty teenage girl. By November, she didn’t look like the same child.’

Their daughter is now seeing a psychologist, who said it was ‘appalling’ that schools had ‘unqualified people "mentoring" young students’.

Physicians push the boundaries of ethical practice by administering untested medical treatments to children and adolescents suffering from "gender dysphoria".

Such treatments include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and so-called sex-reassignment surgery.

Citing guidelines issued by the political advocacy group World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), these physicians admit that the effects of cross-sex hormones are generally irreversible. Vulnerable patients who agree to this treatment are thus crossing the Rubicon into permanent bodily impairment.

However, most doctors insist that puberty blockers are safe and fully reversible, so that patients who decide not to continue with the “transition” can get their healthy bodies back. But mounting medical evidence shows the fallacy of the cavalier implication that puberty blockers are as harmless as aspirin and can be discontinued with as little effect.