APP - Parenting Questions


If an 8 year old decides he/she wants to start smoking, should their parents allow it? Would you judge them if they did?

If an 8 year old decides he/she wants body tattoos, should their parents allow it? Would you judge them if they did?

If an 8 year old decides he/she wants to become a prostitute to earn some money, should their parents allow it? Would you judge them if they did?

If an 8 year old decides he/she wants to quit school to play video games all day, should their parents allow it? Would you judge them if they did?

If an 8 year old decides he/she wants to start smoking pot/do heroin/drink alcohol, should their parents allow it? Would you judge them if they did?

I don't think any parent on JPP would answer yes with regards to allowing their own children to do these things and I am pretty positive they would judge others if they did.

So my question, is why do we not think it is a problem for kids to just arbitrarily decide they are no longer the biological sex that they were born? It makes zero sense. Nobody would argue that a child is old enough or wise enough to engage in sexual intercourse. Why would anyone argue that they have the same kind of judgement to decide they are now the opposite sex? Why would anyone applaud this sickness?