Party Crashers

this administration is like watching a bad circus act if they weren't so hell bent on destroying us as I'd laugh..:palm:
you refuse to see the distruction your ideas cost under R controled gov.

It is your team who nearly distroyed us and the entire worlds economy.
you refuse to see the distruction your ideas cost under R controled gov.

It is your team who nearly distroyed us and the entire worlds economy.

LOL, NEARLY destroyed gawd have you looked at the unemployment today though your party threw out a 800 billion stimulus that was suppose to help all that..have you seen the dept your party has put us in in just one year..
please come up with something new your old tired line is wearing pretty thin and it is starting to show in the poll numbers....
you refuse to see the distruction your ideas cost under R controled gov.

It is your team who nearly distroyed us and the entire worlds economy.

Thanx ewe fur teling us off. Ewe shows us what fur.

Gawd bles the democracktic systum fur edukating ewe and teeched ewe to spel.
Thanx ewe fur teling us off. Ewe shows us what fur.

Gawd bles the democracktic systum fur edukating ewe and teeched ewe to spel.
Hmmm, the reality is that there is an inverse correlation between education and conservatism. That is, the less educated the more likely to be a conservative.
LOL Look who's talking. The guy who doesn't even know what science is! LOL That's a hoot!
there's more to science than knowing how to fill a petri dish with agar, Mott.....and we've all seen that is about the limit of your knowledge of biology.......someday I'm going to pin you down where you can't run away and hide.....then we'll see who knows more about science.....yes, I'm afraid the board's Ringer has been wrung.....
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LOL, NEARLY destroyed gawd have you looked at the unemployment today though your party threw out a 800 billion stimulus that was suppose to help all that..have you seen the dept your party has put us in in just one year..
please come up with something new your old tired line is wearing pretty thin and it is starting to show in the poll numbers....

Heh, heh!!

Off topic, but I wonder how many liberals have ever gone up to our troops, pat him/her on the back and say thank you? Odds are, they would rather spit in their face.

Proof positive that they have no idea what they are doing. If they cannot keep out a couple of reality wantabe's from the White house, how can we expect this administration to keep us safe from terrorists. It was a classic picture of Biden with his arms around both of them. The media is laughing it off as some big joke.