Passions Of The Moment


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America’s Founding Fathers deliberately designed their judicial system to prevent decisions based on the passions of the moment. Today’s Supreme Court is caving in to the passions of the moment by doing nothing about the Democrat Party’ agenda for the way elections are conducted until they can the abolish the Electoral College by hook or crook:

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Supreme Court in Two Cases Today Says It Is Too Late to Intervene in Election Law Challenges -- BEFORE the Election
By Shipwreckedcrew
Oct 28, 2020 10:00 PM ET

Note that the irrelevant hag is now an elector in NY State:

The former secretary of state told CNN's Anderson Cooper in September 2017 that she believed the Electoral College needed to be eliminated, and said, "I'd like to see us move beyond it."

Clinton had also called for an end to the Electoral College after the 2000 election, when former Vice President Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the presidency. Clinton told reporters at the time, "I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it's time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president."

Hillary Clinton says she is an Electoral College elector in New York
By Kate Sullivan
CNN 14 hrs ago

Incidentally, Democrats claim Al Gore and Hillary Clinton won the popular vote the same way they claim this country is a democracy. Neither claim is true. In fact, neither Gore nor Clinton won the popular vote regardless of how the record reads.

p.s. You can be certain the record will forever show that China Joe Biden won the popular vote even though he will get less than 20 percent of the legitimate votes cast on election day.
Note that the irrelevant hag is now an elector in NY State:
Almost 4 years of stewing in bitter anger has not softened the edges on Hillary Clinton. Retreating to long walks in the woods and the comforts of Chardonnay has done nothing to mellow her out. On the contrary, with her plastic surgery falling apart, her cackle as robust as ever (a model for Kamala Harris), and her voice still able to strip paint, newly available video of her interview yesterday on Sirius/XM is the perfect warmup for Halloween this weekend

If you dare, 4-plus minutes of video is embedded below, in which she plans on “moving quickly” following the election victory she anticipates, on “the courts” and “ everything, election reform, climate change, COVID relief, expanding healthcare, everything that we care about.”

A local elections board in Pennsylvania filed a motion with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday requesting that Justice Amy Coney Barrett recuse herself from a high-profile voting rights case that could have a major impact on the 2020 general election.

Supreme Court Motion Says Amy Coney Barrett’s ‘Integrity’ Demands Recusal from Swing State Mail-in Ballot Case
Colin Kalmbacher
Oct 27th, 2020, 3:32 pm

Recusal for thee but not for me.

Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elana Kagan must recuse themselves from the upcoming decision on homosexual marriage.

The reason is simple: their impartiality on the matter has been hopelessly compromised.

Here’s how Title 28, Part I, Chapter 21, Section 455 of the U.S. Code reads (emphasis mine): “Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

Thus any justice who has tipped his hand on how he would vote on gay marriage, any justice who has taken sides, any justice whose ability to be objective on the matter in question, has a legal, moral, ethical and professional duty to withdraw. In fact, he would be violating federal law if he didn’t. His sacred, sworn duty as a justice is to uphold the law, not break it.

Both Kagan and Ginsburg have performed same-sex wedding ceremonies. Ginsburg has at least three and maybe five such ceremonies under her belt, and she had the effrontery to perform one of them in the chambers of the Supreme Court itself.

Ginsburg and Kagan Must Recuse Themselves On Gay Marriage Case
Monday, January 19, 2015 @ 12:41 PM

And lets not forget this one.

The Chicago sewer rat moved into the White House in January of 2009. He signed the healthcare bill on March 24, 2010. Based on dates alone there is no way Justice Thomas was required to recuse himself even if it can be proved he and his wife talked about socialized medicine in a philosophical way.

Obama appointed Elena Kagan solicitor general on Jan. 26, 2009, only days after he took office; so she was there when the Democrats first realized they had a shot at ramming socialized medicine down the country’s throat.

On May 10, 2010, forty-seven days after singing Hillarycare II, Obama nominated Kagan to the Supreme Court. Even if you accept Kagan’s dates as a coincidence, there is e-mail evidence that she should have recused herself. There is nothing to suggest that Justice Thomas was legally, or ethically, obligated to recuse himself.

Dems ramp up attacks on Justice Thomas ahead of health law ruling
By Julian Pecquet
11/18/11 04:48 PM ET
Seek help, you have a sick obsession with Hillary.

Never in my lifetime has there been more misogyny on display than during the 2016 election. It was disgusting. The biggest offender: Donald Trump. The flat-out derisive language and more subtle "messaging" were so prevalent that we began to accept it.

From attacking Carly Fiorina's appearance ("Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?") to questioning the integrity of Fox host Megyn Kelly when she asked him in a debate about his long list of sexist comments ("She had blood coming out of her wherever," he later said), it was an endless barrage against women.
At the Republican National Convention it was even more baldly crude and crass. Writing for the Atlantic, one reporter observed the following merchandise for sale outside the convention hall:

"Black pin reading DON'T BE A PUSSY. VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2016. Black-and-red pin reading TRUMP 2016: FINALLY SOMEONE WITH BALLS. White T-shirt reading TRUMP THAT BITCH. White T shirt reading HILLARY SUCKS BUT NOT LIKE MONICA. Red pin reading LIFE'S A BITCH: DON'T VOTE FOR ONE. White pin depicting a boy urinating on the word Hillary. Black T-shirt depicting Trump as a biker and Clinton falling off the motorcycle's back alongside the words IF YOU CAN READ THIS, THE BITCH FELL OFF. Black T-shirt depicting Trump as a boxer having just knocked Clinton to the floor of the ring, where she lies face-up in a clingy tank top. White pin advertising KFC HILLARY SPECIAL. 2 FAT THIGHS. 2 SMALL BREASTS ... LEFT WING.

Many experts argue that sexism is more acceptable than racism -- we accept it; are not as outraged by it or ashamed of it. I believe it.

Hillary is a victim of gross misogyny, and pure political Hatred and the usual Swift Boat attack ads and wild conspiracy theories.

And when you hear White Women comment about Hillary, all they can come up with is that Hillary defended her husband and remained married to Bill Clinton after his brief affair with Monica Lewinsky. But yet, you never hear these same women attacking Melania Trump for her support of her husband after her husband had multiple affairs with Porn Stars and Playboy Bunnies during her pregnancy and after her husband has said so many horrible misogynistic things about many other women including Hillary.

And all the hypocrisy of the Republican party that wrongly accused Hillary of the 3 deaths of marine soldiers in Bengazi during a revolutionary uprising fueled by Republican propaganda on the internet intended to stir up the emotions in the Mideast that actually caused the uprising. Hillary was accused of the deaths- YET OVER 235,000 American deaths have occurred unnecessarily and most of them as a direct result of Donald Trump's nis-handling of the Pandemic crisis.

And so now, the Hillary Haters, including Donald Trump are using their expressed hatred of Hillary as if to distract everyone's attention and further fuel the Hillary hate once again to distract away from the fact that they are losing this election because this election is a direct referendum of Donald Trump's presidential failures.


The Republicans will be Repudiated by the American Voting Public- AND AROUND THE WORLD!

The damage is already done and it will cause a domination of DEMOCRAT power for generations to come.
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you have a sick obsession with Hillary.

To Phantasmal: You have an unhealthy obsession with defending the criminal Hillary Clinton.

Never in my lifetime has there been more misogyny on display than during the 2016 election.

dogma (noun)
plural dogmas also dogmata

1a : something held as an established opinion especially : a definite authoritative tenet

b : a code of such tenets pedagogical dogma

c : a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds

2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church

You, and every one of your kind, cannot see that tearing infants limb from limb in the womb is the most misogynistic dogma imaginable, yet you defend it when a conservative American woman refuses to butcher her own child.

You sick scumbag. Stop responding to my messages.

Nice present, Mitch, but you ain’t invited to Hillary’s party:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court was a “wonderful birthday present” for Hillary Clinton.

The wry remark about the former presidential candidate, who turned 73 on Monday, came during a campaign stop in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky.

“It was a wonderful birthday present for Hillary Clinton to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court Monday night on her birthday,” McConnell (R-Ky.) told his supporters on Wednesday. “Oh, I’m sure she was so grateful, so grateful.”

McConnell: Amy Coney Barrett confirmation was ‘birthday present’ for Clinton
By Lia Eustachewich
October 30, 2020 | 9:16am
A local elections board in Pennsylvania filed a motion with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday requesting that Justice Amy Coney Barrett recuse herself from a high-profile voting rights case that could have a major impact on the 2020 general election.​

Democrats demanded that Associate Justice Barrett recuse herself so she cannot rule on, or even refer to, treason:

Looking back now, it’s clear why some Democrats on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee pressed Judge Amy Barrett to pledge to recuse herself if Trump challenged the results of the upcoming election.

Some knew what was coming.


If we, collectively, let stand the results of a treasonous Presidential Election, hijacked by the American Left, we dishonor the sacrifice of the women and men who died representing America in its past struggles against tyranny and injustice, at home and abroad.

Traitors are afoot in America.​

Treason is no barrier to the Left’s lust for power
By Lee Cary
November 18, 2020

NOTE: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, & Joe Biden can be impeached even though they are not in office. If a trial in the Senate ever comes to fruition the top charge will be treason. That will lead to a criminal charge in a federal court.

The House may lose the majority when the mail-in ballots fraud is fully exposed —— certainly in 2022. Take this one to the bank: A Bill of Impeachment is a foregone conclusion after Democrats lose control.
America’s Founding Fathers deliberately designed their judicial system to prevent decisions based on the passions of the moment.

Passions of the moment expired in one court:

The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a district court's preliminary injunction preventing the exclusion of Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding. The court of appeals ruled in an 11-5 majority that Planned Parenthood did not have the right to challenge the state's decisions regarding who receives Medicaid benefits.

A circuit court ruled Monday that Texas and Louisiana can exclude Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding, a win for the movement to deprive the abortion provider of federal funding.

Court Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid
Graham Piro
November 24, 2020 2:40 PM

The SCOTUS consistently ruled that paying for abortion with tax dollars is prohibited; yet Planned Parenthood kills babies with tax dollars to this day. So I would like one or two of the Nifty Nine define passions of the moment for me before the High Court rules on the Fifth Circuit’s decision:

Today’s Supreme Court is caving in to the passions of the moment by doing nothing about the Democrat Party’ agenda for the way elections are conducted until they can the abolish the Electoral College by hook or crook: