Pastor Claims Coronavirus Is Satanic Plot To Bring Socialism To The U.S.

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
more christ insanity from trump's base

what a friend they have in je$u$

Speaking at a “Firehouse Prayer” meeting at his church in Cleveland, Tennessee, Thursday night, the conservative Christian pastor declared that “the COVID-19 virus is a demonic attempt to kill elderly Americans who won’t accept the Mark of the Beast so socialism can take over this nation”

While Perry is clearly a delusional idiot who is using the coronavirus to promote his own ridiculous conspiracy theory, he is not the only religious conservative making idiotic claims.

For example, in a disastrous public health move, the Greek Orthodox Church has issued an official statement declaring that the coronavirus is not transmitted via communion.

While Christian Prophet Cindy Jacobs declares that the coronavirus “will cease worldwide” because the virus is now “illegal” in the name of Jesus.

And more recently, Televangelist Kenneth Copeland claims he can cure coronavirus if his viewers touch his oily hand through their television set during his televised ministry.
Yes, there are plenty of nuts and snake oil salesmen out there if people want to listen to them. Same today as yesterday.
Taking Communion OK Because ‘Christ Does Not Spread Disease’ :laugh:

In a letter responding to public warnings about the dangers of coronavirus, the archbishop contradicted all medical and scientific advice by encouraging Catholics to go to mass, take communion, and drink holy water. :palm:

In the letter the archbishop said:

The tempter knows perfectly well how to patiently weaken our closeness and unity with the Lord. He often starts with small matters. You have to tell him: go away, Satan. Satan is helpless against such expressive and explicit human testimony of faith. He’s terrified of it. It is not without reason that someone is afraid of something, like the devil of holy water. (…) Do not be afraid to reach for holy water with faith. Do not be afraid of the temple. Do not be afraid of the Church… Christ does not spread disease. :whoa:

That’s right, church officials are claiming that sharing wine from a common spoon does not have the potential to transmit the coronavirus.
I see that TRE45ON and his toadies are bandying about the idea of sending out $1K stimulus checks to Americans. Remember when Obama was POTUS and stimulus checks were BAD? :laugh:

It's only socialism when the (D) guy proposes it.
Taking Communion OK Because ‘Christ Does Not Spread Disease’ :laugh:

In a letter responding to public warnings about the dangers of coronavirus, the archbishop contradicted all medical and scientific advice by encouraging Catholics to go to mass, take communion, and drink holy water. :palm:

In the letter the archbishop said:

The tempter knows perfectly well how to patiently weaken our closeness and unity with the Lord. He often starts with small matters. You have to tell him: go away, Satan. Satan is helpless against such expressive and explicit human testimony of faith. He’s terrified of it. It is not without reason that someone is afraid of something, like the devil of holy water. (…) Do not be afraid to reach for holy water with faith. Do not be afraid of the temple. Do not be afraid of the Church… Christ does not spread disease. :whoa:

That’s right, church officials are claiming that sharing wine from a common spoon does not have the potential to transmit the coronavirus.

Holy water is not to be drunk; it's for annointing.