Pathetic Dem cave on the war funding.


Well-known member
The assigning of blame begins (I'm excluding republicans and war supporters, because they love this war anyway):

1) Democratic representatives and senators: at least those too cowardly to stand up to bush. It takes a special kind of cowardice to not be able to muster the courage to stand up to Mr. 24% approval rating.

2) The american people: Democracy is not a spectator sport. Your responsibilities as a citizen do not end on election day. Politicians rarely do the right thing, without being supported and/or harassed by constituents. There are no Mr. Smiths in Washington. Change tends to come from the bottom-up. Are you counting on sitting back in front of your TV, and hoping that a politician somewhere has a "profiles in courage" moment? Forget about it. Politicians only respond to pressure. Those keyboard warriors who blab about ending the war, but have rarely, if ever, lifted a finger to pressure a politician, or to be pro-active in helping to end the war, take your bow. The blood in on your hands as well. And I include myself in this group. There is much more I could have done to pressure politicians to do the people's will. Some email, some phone calls, and a couple anti-war vigils was really not enough.

3) An honorary mention must be given to those keyboard warriors who assert that they want the war ended - but, then end up voting for, or supporting, warhawks like Joe Lieberman and John McCain. This Bud's for you. :clink:
agreed, a grass roots movement should start and have Murtha head the charge to shut Bush's war down.
The assigning of blame begins (I'm excluding republicans and war supporters, because they love this war anyway):

1) Democratic representatives and senators: at least those too cowardly to stand up to bush. It takes a special kind of cowardice to not be able to muster the courage to stand up to Mr. 24% approval rating.

2) The american people: Democracy is not a spectator sport. Your responsibilities as a citizen do not end on election day. Politicians rarely do the right thing, without being supported and/or harassed by constituents. There are no Mr. Smiths in Washington. Change tends to come from the bottom-up. Are you counting on sitting back in front of your TV, and hoping that a politician somewhere has a "profiles in courage" moment? Forget about it. Politicians only respond to pressure. Those keyboard warriors who blab about ending the war, but have rarely, if ever, lifted a finger to pressure a politician, or to be pro-active in helping to end the war, take your bow. The blood in on your hands as well. And I include myself in this group. There is much more I could have done to pressure politicians to do the people's will. Some email, some phone calls, and a couple anti-war vigils was really not enough.

3) An honorary mention must be given to those keyboard warriors who assert that they want the war ended - but, then end up voting for, or supporting, warhawks like Joe Lieberman and John McCain. This Bud's for you. :clink:

But you'll still vote for them right down the line. This is why they do this. They know that the lemmings will follow them right off the cliff. Just like to 24% that still thinks Bush is doing well. Imagine that.
But you'll still vote for them right down the line. This is why they do this. They know that the lemmings will follow them right off the cliff. Just like to 24% that still thinks Bush is doing well. Imagine that.

I vote for democrats who are against the war. I'm probably the only dem on this board who's cast a vote for kucinich. Edwards and Barbara Boxer are my buds.
wait a fucking minute. Didn't you vote for Bush beefy! :eek:

Yeah, in 2000 in Cali. But I didn't vote for him again, I learned my lesson. If I had it all to do over again, I would have voted for Gore, but I was 24 and stupid, so I voted for W.

I learned my lesson. Have you?
Yeah, in 2000 in Cali. But I didn't vote for him again, I learned my lesson. If I had it all to do over again, I would have voted for Gore, but I was 24 and stupid, so I voted for W.

I learned my lesson. Have you?

Yes. I'm voting for Edwards.
Well, Dukakis was probably the worst guy the dems could have put up. Thy'd have been better off with Tsongas.

people don't remember Dukakis had a 17 point lead over bush a few months before the election. It was that willie horton crap, and his complete flub of the death penalty question that sunk him. I'm pretty sure he was a much better governor of Mass. than romney was.
I vote for democrats who are against the war. I'm probably the only dem on this board who's cast a vote for kucinich. Edwards and Barbara Boxer are my buds.

Biden, Cleland, Clinton, Daschle, Dodd, Dorgan, Edwards, Feinstein, Harkin,

Hollings, Kerry, Landrieu, Lieberman, Lincoln, Reid, Rockefeller, Schumer, Toricelli, etc.

These are just some of the BIG NAME leaders in the Democratic Senate that helped pass the War Resolution....:clink:
good job on time traveling alpha. I guess edwards learned from his voting mistake, just like I have, just like beefy has, and totally unlike you. Two time bush voter
I vote for democrats who are against the war. I'm probably the only dem on this board who's cast a vote for kucinich. Edwards and Barbara Boxer are my buds.

Obviously none of them are really against it. They just give you the lip service you want.