APP - paul ryan demonstrates his foot in mouth problem

no big surprise that corporate welfare supersedes welfare for the poor as far as repugs are concerned

ryan tries to recoup but does not seem to realize that he lost the bulk of the nonwhite vote long ago

Yea I heard about this. I'm not going to be quick to say that it was some sort of indirect racist mantra but I will say that he had an isolationist view of poverty by asserting that there is a generational culture of men who lack the will to work or learn the culture of work. I really think he used poor choice of words then tried to river dance his way back to having a moderate view of people in poverty.
Yea I heard about this. I'm not going to be quick to say that it was some sort of indirect racist mantra but I will say that he had an isolationist view of poverty by asserting that there is a generational culture of men who lack the will to work or learn the culture of work. I really think he used poor choice of words then tried to river dance his way back to having a moderate view of people in poverty.

plus dumping on the poor has been a repug trait for quite a while
no big surprise that corporate welfare supersedes welfare for the poor as far as repugs are concerned

ryan tries to recoup but does not seem to realize that he lost the bulk of the nonwhite vote long ago

I oppose any and all welfare, including corporate welfare, you know like Solyndra and all of the other "green" corporate welfare checks the regime has been writing?

But, I am very impressed with your courageous stand on demanding the government confiscate the property of others while exempting yourself. It must give you great satisfaction
Paul Ryan has been trying to schmooze americans with his for the rich of the rich budgets and BS since this congress started. Paul Ryans first budget was what made me drop the republican party and register independent and make me deadset against teaparty politics.\
They just dont get it and what they dont get is that the Rich in this country are doing fabulously well while they whine they are being abused and overtaxed, they have far more than they ever had and the poor are growing in numbers and getting poorer. The middleclass has shrunk and their jobs have been sent to other countries and they just refuse to acknowledge any of it.
Its the poor and middleclass that needs the break and im talking WORKING poor and middleclass and those that want to work, Im not talking about the bums junkies dopedealers and dirtbags.
Paul Ryan has been trying to schmooze americans with his for the rich of the rich budgets and BS since this congress started. Paul Ryans first budget was what made me drop the republican party and register independent and make me deadset against teaparty politics.\
They just dont get it and what they dont get is that the Rich in this country are doing fabulously well while they whine they are being abused and overtaxed, they have far more than they ever had and the poor are growing in numbers and getting poorer. The middleclass has shrunk and their jobs have been sent to other countries and they just refuse to acknowledge any of it.
Its the poor and middleclass that needs the break and im talking WORKING poor and middleclass and those that want to work, Im not talking about the bums junkies dopedealers and dirtbags.

You seem to be saying that they should just throw up their hands and allow what ever anyone wants to do them, to happen with out a complaint.
Last week Ryan released a report on the federal government's 50-year-old "War on Poverty" that concluded that many of the 92 federal programs aimed at assisting the poor were "haphazard" and contributed to a "poverty trap" that keeps people dependent on welfare benefits.

The controversy began on Wednesday after Ryan said on William Bennett's talk radio show, "Morning in America," that there was a "tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value of work."

I'm confused....instead of saying "yes, its true....why don't we fix it" they would rather make him apologize and hide it under the carpet?......what are they, liberals?........