APP - Paul Ryan was the worst Speaker in modern history


I blame the mid term losses on Paul Ryan and his ineffectual leadership. What did he do while Speaker? Other than tax cuts really nothing meaningful. He never should have been put in that position. He is a policy wonk. He is weak on borders and he is a weak leader.

He is a nice enough guy, but we don't need "nice guys" anymore. Oh they can be collegial enough, but we need fighters. I am not much of a fan of McConnell on many things, but he does know how to fight as evidenced by the Kavanaugh hearings.

Now that we are heading into the lame duck, the GOP should just push through as much legislation as they can. Single item bills that are easy and one page


1) Defund planned parenthood - up and down vote. no debate
2) Make middle class tax cuts permanent - up and down vote. no debate
3) Build the wall - Ryan won't do that because he is a globalist and doesn't believe in borders or sovereignty

One good thing from this election is that many squishy RINO, NeverTrumpers have now been purged