Paul Whelan double-crossed by FSB agent he thought was a friend

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Vladimir Putin claims that Paul Whelan is a US spy who was caught red-handed by the FSB trying to steal a flash drive containing 'state secrets' in a Moscow hotel.

Mr Whelan, a former US Marine, was indeed found with an FSB officer, the drive and $1,200 in cash at Moscow's Metropol, near the Kremlin, in 2018 and thrown in jail.

However, rather than trying to bribe Ilya Yatsenko, Mr Whelan maintains he thought he was a friend who had just handed him a flash drive containing vacation photos and was also reimbursing him for a loan.

Just three days beforehand, Mr Whelan took a photo of Yatsenko at dinner and titled it 'comrades' when he posted it.

He believed they had been friends for ten years and had even visited the Russian's hometown.

Sadly, the friendship Mr Whelan thought was blossoming, was in fact 'calf-rearing', where intelligence officers bide their time before a target is culled.