on indefiniate mod break
1/2 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 tbsp strawberry jelly
1 tbsp abv

eat that delcious shit
wait a while and nothing happens
huh guess it didn't work. Lets just forget all about that
Oh wait it is working
Oh shit, it's really working

1/2 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 tbsp strawberry jelly
1 tbsp abv

eat that delcious shit
wait a while and nothing happens
huh guess it didn't work. Lets just forget all about that
Oh wait it is working
Oh shit, it's really working


Thanks for explaining ABV, never heard of that one. Damn, dude, you are HardCore.

I love where I live. Going to a seminar on Monday, back up in the mountains at an off-grid super cool child-of-the-forest's how-to on medicinal plants, cultivation, essence extraction, and other good knowledge stuff. For free. FREE. I'll be bringing home some herbi friends to nurture.... along with how to do that! Just as cool -- I'm going in the company of a cadre of other grannies who believe in the power of the holy weed, most of them even older than I am.

Life is good.