PC = Prissy Colorado


Newsboy broke down, methinks. Never send a bot to do a troll's job.

I love the "symbol of Satan" bit. :rolleyes:

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A homeowners' association in southwestern Colorado has threatened to fine a resident $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath with a peace sign that some say is an anti-Iraq war protest or a symbol of Satan.

Some residents who have complained have children serving in Iraq, said Bob Kearns, president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs.

He said some residents believed the wreath was a symbol of Satan. Three or four residents complained, he said.

"Somebody could put up signs that say drop bombs on Iraq. If you let one go up you have to let them all go up," he said in a telephone interview Sunday.
Dude is a SuperRelgious fool. He "fired" all the other board members for not voting his way. I wonder what kind of Unitard it takes to make that kind of thing happen. There is no way I would have let the President of our HOA "fire" me. They can't, it's not in the Bilaws...
Dude is a SuperRelgious fool. He "fired" all the other board members for not voting his way. I wonder what kind of Unitard it takes to make that kind of thing happen. There is no way I would have let the President of our HOA "fire" me. They can't, it's not in the Bilaws...

It's just so crazy, because you know, that's what Christmas is all about too. A celebration of Jesus, but also a celebration of his philosophy, which was peaceful. We have all of these Christmas carols, like that one that says "peace on earth" over and over again. Are they satanic? Don't these people stop and think? And who cares if someone else puts up a sign that says "bomb Iraq" or whatever? That's what free speech is. I see stupid bumper stickers all the time, and I think to myself, boy this guy must be some real idiot. But I would never dispute his right to display his bumper sticker.

Now I do think that putting up a Christmas wreath with a sign on it advocating the bombing of ANYONE, would be really displaying your ignorance of what Christ was about, and that putting a peace sign on a Christmas wreath is actually much more in tune with what the holiday is about, but hey, if you want to display your ignorance, do it.
its denver, they kill pitbulls for fun for christs sake.... what the fuck would you expect...

holyrollers are just fuckin retarded.... i blame damo personally.
Yeah, my influence clearly is reflected in this Unitard... I'd blame me too... In fact, all SuperReligious Christians all must call me first to get their reaction to anything before they react. I'm the litmus test... I have an extra special real life experience being all homophobic and stuff... You know, you can tell by my posts!
Yeah, at least that story goes away after a while. Why is CO so often in the news nowadays? I'd prefer if we just remained normal for three days or so!