Pedodent Biden caught groping ANOTHER little girl at 9/11 memorial on Saturday

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
This is actually pretty mild compared to the MANY MANY other videos of pedodent biden groping little girls. But if a repub did this, it would be headlines.

sep 14 2021
The perp can’t help it.

On 9-11 a photo was taken at a 9/11 memorial ceremony on Saturday in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The photo went viral when people noticed the kids in the Shanksville photo were wearing Trump hats.

Last night the children went on with Greg Kelly. The little girl who was standing next to Joe Biden told Kelly that Joe Biden had his hand around her waist.

Sure enough.
You can even see Joe Biden’s hand around the little girl’s waist.

And you can count on the fake news mainstream media to not say a word about this creepster.

That's nothing.
This is something:


Something no grown man should be doing to a little girl, ever.


He should hang by his balls.

All those kids are grinning away

Trump have any pictures of Democratic kids grinning away while in his presence?
Ridiculous, petty and that usual trolling bs.

Ever hear the words a picture tells a thousand stories ? What do you need pictures of the old bastard nude with a child to see the truth . hes a sicko old bastard .just like his fucked up son hunter after all where do you think hunter got it from . the chip didnt fall far from the block you know
Behind the scenes some place some one said now now joe settle down no more touching the underage kids on camera or you wont get your happy pill and pudding.
Then joe says

Yes but its ok if I touch them off camera isnt it boss
Then his boss says as long as no one looking joy you can do what ever you want we will cover it up.
No lay down and sleep 18 or 20 hours you have to work 2 hours tomorrow and we cant give you another special vax shot to keep you up like we did the big boss
This is actually pretty mild compared to the MANY MANY other videos of pedodent biden groping little girls. But if a repub did this, it would be headlines.

Actually Putin and sewer conspiring GQPers, in particular, at lawlessly hacking in their main bitch tRump on a insurrectionist atrocity groped and sodomized America and anything else of a common decency on Earth in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. So where is accountability in that regard as in arrest warrants against tRump and his band of un American repukes? There is nothing further to gain to continue sucking out of tRump's ass.