Pelosi To Take Decisive Action Against Lauren Boebert


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Its good Lauren the mad woman is on notice and let her sweat at anticipating the type of decisive action. This mentally incompetent and vicious little twat Lauren deserves it at being a menacing problem in Congress. I hope a number of other repukes encounter a strong and well-deserved decisive action against themselves too. This action would not only be in defense of Rep. Omar but in defense of Democracy too at dealing with barbaric and terrorist repuke savages who have disgraced Congress and the civilized nature of Democracy. They are worthless trash that are incapable of being civilized or contributing to a civilized society:

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said on Sunday that she has spoken to Speaker Pelosi and decisive action will be taken against Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO).

Omar called for Boebert to be punished and lose her committee assignments, “ People leaving the voicemail saying we are taking up arms coming to the capitol to protect our country from a terrorist are not people that we should dismiss. They are not joking. I think it’s important for us to say, this kind of language, this kind of hate cannot be condoned by the House of Representatives. We should punish and sanction Boebert by rebuking her language, by doing everything to send a clear and decisive message to the American public that if the Republicans are not going to be adults and condemn this, then we are going to do that. “
Its good Lauren the mad woman is on notice and let her sweat at anticipating the type of decisive action. This mentally incompetent and vicious little twat Lauren deserves it at being a menacing problem in Congress. I hope a number of other repukes encounter a strong and well-deserved decisive action against themselves too. This action would not only be in defense of Rep. Omar but in defense of Democracy too at dealing with barbaric and terrorist repuke savages who have disgraced Congress and the civilized nature of Democracy. They are worthless trash that are incapable of being civilized or contributing to a civilized society:

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said on Sunday that she has spoken to Speaker Pelosi and decisive action will be taken against Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO).

Omar called for Boebert to be punished and lose her committee assignments, “ People leaving the voicemail saying we are taking up arms coming to the capitol to protect our country from a terrorist are not people that we should dismiss. They are not joking. I think it’s important for us to say, this kind of language, this kind of hate cannot be condoned by the House of Representatives. We should punish and sanction Boebert by rebuking her language, by doing everything to send a clear and decisive message to the American public that if the Republicans are not going to be adults and condemn this, then we are going to do that. “

Democrats need to aggressively punish House members advocating violence.
Democrats need to aggressively punish House members advocating violence.

Agreed as in Democrats should use their blessed slim majority in the context of U.S. Constitutional law to ruthlessly go after seditious now GQPers who have been seditiously and treasonously ruthless against Democracy, society and humanity, and in ways that Democrats would indeed make America great again and a way to preserve Democracy and civilization going forward.
Vote Blue in 22.

Prevent deplorable representatives from getting committee assignments back.

(because that is what will happen if we do not VOTE BLUE IN 22.)
Prevent hateful provocative Marjorie Taylor Greene from getting committee assignments.

Vote Blue in 22.