Pelosi's Daughter's Latest Documentary

At one point, you're talking to someone who describes Obama as the antichrist, and you say to him, "Do you want to maybe rethink that? Because I'm going to be accused, when this is on TV, of just looking for the craziest guy in the room." And he ponders it and says, "No." He's OK with saying it. How often did you have that kind of conversation with somebody?

Pelosi: Every day. It was much more common than you'd think. In the heat of an election, people say some crazy things. And in the case of the gentleman you're talking about, I have talked to him since then and this is just the way he sees it. I heard that every single day. It was much more common than you'd think. And I think that a lot of them were mimicking things they heard on right-wing radio.

I'm watching it now. You can't watch this without wanting to hurt someone. The American education system must be in really sorry shape.
We were talking about this earlier I saw some excerpts. I laughed as he failed at selling Life Insurance door to door. Who does that anymore? Who would buy Life Insurance from a guy at the door?
LadyT, what did you think of that redneck at Nascar who when asked what he thought of Obama said, "I'm not too partial to blacks." Pelosi said, "Come on, it's 2008, you can't say that!" (in a nice way), to which he responded, "Why not? I'm from the Souf!"
the Rush crowd was 100% white
prob mostly not educated, ie his radio listners and righty posters here. They need to be told what to think. How big of a moron do you have to be to cheer that fat bastard drug addict?
We were talking about this earlier I saw some excerpts. I laughed as he failed at selling Life Insurance door to door. Who does that anymore? Who would buy Life Insurance from a guy at the door?

That was her Ted Haggard documentary. This is the she did on the McCain campaign trail. The haggard one wasn't as good as it should have been. She really didn't show any good hard hitting questions in my opinion.
LadyT, what did you think of that redneck at Nascar who when asked what he thought of Obama said, "I'm not too partial to blacks." Pelosi said, "Come on, it's 2008, you can't say that!" (in a nice way), to which he responded, "Why not? I'm from the Souf!"

LMAO. I thought: yeah, my stereotypes are true.

in all seriousness, the most interesting exchange was when the logging trucker said he didn't want a nigger to be in the white house. There were two black guys sitting on the curb who saw the exchange and one of them started to chew her out because she was putting that in the documentary and accused her of mis-characterizing the south. Its like, ummmm, why don't you chew out the racist scum bag that just called our president a "nigger".

I don't think I'll ever be able to relate to people like that. The blacks that don't stand up to the assholes that say crap, and the assholes that spew that crap.
I'm sure a girl from far left San Fran who also is the daughter of a hardcore lefty speaker wouldn't have any bias at all.

She just filtered out all but the nastiness that sells.

She said people like you would accuse her of that. No suprises there.
the Rush crowd was 100% white
prob mostly not educated, ie his radio listners and righty posters here. They need to be told what to think. How big of a moron do you have to be to cheer that fat bastard drug addict?

I don't know. I don't get it.