pelosi's in iraq


a member named bob

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), an outspoken critic of U.S. President George Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq, arrived in Baghdad on Friday for talks with U.S. and Iraqi officials.


Pelosi, a key player in the Democratic takeover of Congress, has helped lead opposition in Washington to Bush's retooled Iraq strategy which envisages sending 21,500 reinforcements to help quell raging sectarian violence, especially in Baghdad.

She has accused Bush, a long-time foe, of playing politics with soldiers' lives and said after his State of the Union address to Congress this week that he had ignored the concerns of the American public over the unpopular war.

A U.S. embassy official said Pelosi, the first woman speaker of the House, had arrived in Iraq at the head of a six-member congressional delegation for meetings with Iraqi and U.S. officials but did not plan any public appearances.
Well, that makes sense, I suppose. Our leaders seem to think that we're in a staring contest with a bunch of bloodthirsty terrorist madmen and he who blinks first loses. Ain't nobody better at not blinking than Nancy.
I thought Drudge had a count of how many times she blinked during the SOTU speech....Or was it her reply ? I dunno, but there was a blink count.
I thought Drudge had a count of how many times she blinked during the SOTU speech....Or was it her reply ? I dunno, but there was a blink count.

LOL ya.. they had a link it was somthing like pelosi eye blinking clock at 25-30 blinks per min

braking news huh