Pence feared being kidnapped as Trump’s attempted coup unfolded


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WASHINGTON—Former Vice President Pence refused to get into a car driven by Trump Secret Service agents because he believed they were going to kidnap him during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

Every day, as we get closer to public hearings planned by the Jan. 6 committee investigating the coup, tapes and more tapes of coup-related lies by the GOP Republican House leader continue to emerge.

With open hearings looming as early as May, more details are emerging about the planning of Donald Trump’s coup attempt and the former president’s involvement in everything, including the planned abduction of his own vice president to hold up the certification of Joe Biden’s win.

At the center of the emerging evidence are two figures: Former Vice President Mike Pence and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who confidently, and swaggeringly, expects to become Speaker after a GOP takeover of the House he hopes will happen this November.

The House Select Committee investigating the coup plan, the invasion, and the insurrection has yet to decide whether to call Pence. McCarthy has stonewalled the panel.

Even before it began, McCarthy tried strangling the committee by naming rabid Trumpite Republicans to it, as is a leader’s usual prerogative for such special panels. Those lawmakers could be counted on for disruption. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., thwarted that move.

Names Cheney and Kinsinger

She named Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyom., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., to the panel. Both were among the 10 House Republicans who defied the party’s majority and voted to impeach Trump for instigating the invasion and insurrection. All 222 voting Democrats approved impeachment.

The impeachment is the context for McCarthy’s taped, and leaked, Jan. 10, 2021 phone call with others.

“The only discussion I would have with him is that I think this (impeachment) will pass, and it would be my recommendation you should resign,” McCarthy told Cheney in the recording. He first lied, saying he never made the statement, but then the tape surfaced.

The timing of the disclosures and the pending hearings are important. The committee’s mandate ends on Jan. 3, at the end of this Congress. If the Trumpite-dominated Republicans win House control this fall, as pundits predict, they’ll kill the panel and investigate President Joe Biden and his family, instead.

Pence thwarted the coup try twice, first by publicly refusing Trump’s demand that he single-handedly reject electoral votes from the key swing states of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Georgia, as well as New Mexico.


Before Jan. 6, Aide Warned Secret Service of Security Risk to Pence

New details flesh out how the pressure campaign by Donald J. Trump and his allies to block certification of the 2020 election left the vice president’s staff fearing for his safety.
WASHINGTON—Former Vice President Pence refused to get into a car driven by Trump Secret Service agents because he believed they were going to kidnap him during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

Every day, as we get closer to public hearings planned by the Jan. 6 committee investigating the coup, tapes and more tapes of coup-related lies by the GOP Republican House leader continue to emerge.

With open hearings looming as early as May, more details are emerging about the planning of Donald Trump’s coup attempt and the former president’s involvement in everything, including the planned abduction of his own vice president to hold up the certification of Joe Biden’s win.

At the center of the emerging evidence are two figures: Former Vice President Mike Pence and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who confidently, and swaggeringly, expects to become Speaker after a GOP takeover of the House he hopes will happen this November.

The House Select Committee investigating the coup plan, the invasion, and the insurrection has yet to decide whether to call Pence. McCarthy has stonewalled the panel.

Even before it began, McCarthy tried strangling the committee by naming rabid Trumpite Republicans to it, as is a leader’s usual prerogative for such special panels. Those lawmakers could be counted on for disruption. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., thwarted that move.

Names Cheney and Kinsinger

She named Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyom., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., to the panel. Both were among the 10 House Republicans who defied the party’s majority and voted to impeach Trump for instigating the invasion and insurrection. All 222 voting Democrats approved impeachment.

The impeachment is the context for McCarthy’s taped, and leaked, Jan. 10, 2021 phone call with others.

“The only discussion I would have with him is that I think this (impeachment) will pass, and it would be my recommendation you should resign,” McCarthy told Cheney in the recording. He first lied, saying he never made the statement, but then the tape surfaced.

The timing of the disclosures and the pending hearings are important. The committee’s mandate ends on Jan. 3, at the end of this Congress. If the Trumpite-dominated Republicans win House control this fall, as pundits predict, they’ll kill the panel and investigate President Joe Biden and his family, instead.

Pence thwarted the coup try twice, first by publicly refusing Trump’s demand that he single-handedly reject electoral votes from the key swing states of Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Georgia, as well as New Mexico.


Before Jan. 6, Aide Warned Secret Service of Security Risk to Pence

New details flesh out how the pressure campaign by Donald J. Trump and his allies to block certification of the 2020 election left the vice president’s staff fearing for his safety.

Actually, he would have love being kidnapped in real life. He and Mother role play "Naked home invader" all the time. Mike comes thought the bedroom window wearing a Hamburgler outfit and Mother, in her best handmaids tail, sex gown, lays prone waiting for Mike to attempt penetration. His success rate so far is close to 20%.

Republicans are such pervs.
The Secret Service works for the nation, not the President.

I need to hear Pence say it, that he is so stupid/dishonest that he now claims that he feared the SS.
And why wouldn't Pence fear the worse, he had been privy to the overthrow conversations occurring at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and knew that none of them were going to hold back on what Trump wanted done
Multiple media sources have been reporting this since last year. I'd call it credible.

Pence Refusing to Get in Secret Service Car on Jan. 6 'Chilling': Raskin

A top Democrat ties Pence’s ‘I’m not getting in the car’ to Jan. 6 ‘coup’

Mike Pence refused to get in car amid 6 January riots fearing Secret Service ‘conspiracy’, reports claim

"Kidnap," though, IMO is not the right word. The intent was just to keep him safe and away from the counting of the ballots. Still reprehensible, of course.
And why wouldn't Pence fear the worse, he had been privy to the overthrow conversations occurring at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and knew that none of them were going to hold back on what Trump wanted done

Years of close contact with the SS is how he knew that they were not going to kidnap him. They dont take orders from the President.
Years of close contact with the SS is how he knew that they were not going to kidnap him. They dont take orders from the President.

Wait a minute, so if the WH sends a message that, "for his own security," VP Pence ought to be removed from the Capitol the SS is going to deny that request?
Wait a minute, so if the WH sends a message that, "for his own security," VP Pence ought to be removed from the Capitol the SS is going to deny that request?

The SS does not take orders from the President, in fact it is illegal for the President to refuse SS directives.
Again, even though I know it is fruitless, tell us why the SS, who don't take orders from the WH, would refuse a request from the WH?

Is honoring ones oath really that foreign a concept to you? Besides with as badly as Trump is hated by the Elite Class that would be an immediate very long jail term.
Is honoring ones oath really that foreign a concept to you? Besides with as badly as Trump is hated by the Elite Class that would be an immediate very long jail term.

So, for the third time, you can't answer the simple question, everything other, but not addressing the question, says it all