Pence has to "clean up" after tRump's disastrous CDC press conference.


No fear folks. tRump says the CV tests are available to EVERYONE and are "perfect". Just like the call and letter to the

I know its Sunday, and I should be nice, but what a "looney toon" tRump is.......(

"Looney toon" ain't bad...

...but I like Rex Tillerson's characterization MUCH better.

Pence? He is an anti-science religious nut. He is not capable of sensible evaluations. Trump made a very bad speech at the CDC, but it does not harm his connection with his followers. They do not care how stupid and improper he is. They are believers. They couldn't leave him if they tried.
You have to wonder the mentality of these "trumpanzees". How do they function in normal society? Even though most act like it, they cannot all be high school dropouts.