Pencil Neck Is Back


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I have railed against the Democracy Movement in a thousand messages. Make no mistake about the Democracy Movement —— it is the most insidious conspiracy ever devised to destroy this country’s individual liberties. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. If that is not enough to tell you about the kind of people behind the Democracy Movement, this should scare you stiff: Democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty.


Pencil Neck will never be punished by Democrat liars for the lies he told, nor will he be punished for abuse of power, nor will he pay for the crimes he committed throughout the Russia Collusion fiasco. Remember this one?

Now that the truth is coming out maybe Americans can nail him for working for the Democracy Movement. If you look up everything top Democrats were saying about “Saving our democracy.” maybe that was their agenda all along. Pencil Neck is still trying:

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) reacted to the dropping of charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn by stating the move “really puts us back in the category of almost an emerging democracy, where the rule of law is not yet firmly established, where prosecutorial decisions are made on the basis of politics.”

Schiff said, “I think we lost 50 years’ worth of ground in solidifying the independence of the Justice Department after Watergate. This really puts us back in the category of almost an emerging democracy, where the rule of law is not yet firmly established, where prosecutorial decisions are made on the basis of politics. Here, Bill Barr, once again, doing the political dirty work for the president in making a case go away that the president tried to get Jim Comey to make go away and then fired him when he wouldn’t, tried to get Jeff Sessions to make go away and he wouldn’t.”

Schiff: Dropping Flynn Case ‘Puts Us Back in the Category of Almost an Emerging Democracy’
by Ian Hanchett
7 May 2020

Finally, Lou Dobbs and Tom Fritton look at Obama’s guilt:


Bottom line: The Chicago sewer rat and Hillary Clinton are probably too big to punish. Not so with Pencil Neck who relished doing the dirty work for the rest of them.

Fox News (fake News) = right wing propaganda site, so why use a dubious source of info?????????????????????
Fox News (fake News) = right wing propaganda site, so why use a dubious source of info?????????????????????

To Trumpet: Facts were the only things I heard in the two videos I provided.

Incidentally, you will not find this fact on FOX or on any of your alphabet networks.

The victory General Flynn won is enough to drive COVID-19's lies off television for a few days. Do not count on it lasting. Everybody in the federal government, and I mean everybody, along with their media mouthpieces will never stop selling a fraud until they get forced testing followed by forced vaccinations.

Note that every state has an array of permanent arcdegrees embedded in executive orders to keep stay-at-home on the books indefinitely.

arcdegree (noun)

A measure for arcs and angles
"there are 360 arcdegrees in a circle"

This, too, is a fact: Nurse Ratchet is in charge:
