Pennsylvania official 'burst out laughing' when asked about recent Trump falsehood

Port Tack

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Pennsylvania official 'burst out laughing' when asked about recent Trump falsehood Charleroi Borough Manager Joe Manning was askedabout some of former President Donald Trump's claims about Haitian immigrants in his town of Charleroi, Pennsylvania. It turns out that some of Trump's claims about immigrants in the town were so ludicrous that Manning at one point "burst out laughing" while trying to debunk them. In particular, Manning was amused by Trump's claim that Charleroi, a town of just 4,000 people, "has seen a 2,000 percent increase in the population" thanks to Haitian immigrants. In reality, the number of Haitians living in the town is "between 700 and 800" and a 2,000 percent increase in population would have put the town's total population closer to 100,000.

"Many of the Haitians work at a local packaging plant whose owner could not find workers, and went to an employment agency for help, That agency got Haitians to come work to the borough." Manning emphasized that the plant owner is still looking for more workers and that the Haitians who have come to work there "ain't taking anybody's jobs."

Another case of the lying piece of shit trying to convince his Nazi followers that Haitians are trying to take over the country.
No, the poor Hatians are the tools of the packaging plant to try and stay in business. Apparantly the right doesn't give a shit about them.
You cockroaches allowed them in illegally then gave them protected status. This is on your head you retarded twat.