Pentagon doesn't know where to send their ventilators


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Washington (CNN)Despite having committed to transferring 2,000 ventilators in military stocks to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services to fight the coronavirus outbreak, the Pentagon has not shipped any of them because the agencies have not asked for them or provided a shipping location, the Pentagon's top logistics official said Tuesday.

In order to ship the badly needed equipment, the Defense Department has to be given a location to send them by civilian authorities who have to decide where the items are most needed.
"There was discussion with HHS on where to send them. And then they said hey wait, we're trying to take a look at the demand that's required, and so we were asked to just wait while there was just some sorting through on that. And I won't speak on behalf of them, but we were in a position to provide 2,000," said Lt. General Giovanni Tuck.
Tuck said he had no details on the HHS decisions, but added that "we haven't provided any, because as of last night, we were asked to just hold on the ones that we have, and then we will push them when they're ready for them.
Washington (CNN)Despite having committed to transferring 2,000 ventilators in military stocks to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services to fight the coronavirus outbreak, the Pentagon has not shipped any of them because the agencies have not asked for them or provided a shipping location, the Pentagon's top logistics official said Tuesday.

In order to ship the badly needed equipment, the Defense Department has to be given a location to send them by civilian authorities who have to decide where the items are most needed.
"There was discussion with HHS on where to send them. And then they said hey wait, we're trying to take a look at the demand that's required, and so we were asked to just wait while there was just some sorting through on that. And I won't speak on behalf of them, but we were in a position to provide 2,000," said Lt. General Giovanni Tuck.
Tuck said he had no details on the HHS decisions, but added that "we haven't provided any, because as of last night, we were asked to just hold on the ones that we have, and then we will push them when they're ready for them.
Good grief...this is really embarrassing for the greatest nation on Earth. I hope our governors are talking to South Korea.
Good grief...this is really embarrassing for the greatest nation on Earth. I hope our governors are talking to South Korea.

This is a reminder of just what happens when inexperienced and incompetent people try to run this government. Trump appoints only on the basis of loyalty to him, never on their knowledge or degree of competency.
Good grief...this is really embarrassing for the greatest nation on Earth. I hope our governors are talking to South Korea.

It's a direct consequence of a President who badmouths every government agency for 3 years and cuts funding for contingencies and preparedness.

FWIW, I continually am impressed by Vice President Pence's actions since his appointment to head the crisis management team.
It's a direct consequence of a President who badmouths every government agency for 3 years and cuts funding for contingencies and preparedness.

FWIW, I continually am impressed by Vice President Pence's actions since his appointment to head the crisis management team.

RUMP is so intimidated by Obama that its comical. Pence is losing his credibility with his excessive lying to please his master.
RUMP is so intimidated by Obama that its comical. Pence is losing his credibility with his excessive lying to please his master.

Agreed on Trump, and the Trumpeteers, obsession, jealousy and intimidation by Obama.

Disagreed about Pence. What lies has he told regarding COVID-19? Where has he differed from the response team?
Agreed on Trump, and the Trumpeteers, obsession, jealousy and intimidation by Obama.

Disagreed about Pence. What lies has he told regarding COVID-19? Where has he differed from the response team?

Pence said that he couldn't recall tRump ever minimizing the seriousness on COVID-19. He is catching much deserved "flack" for that blatant lie.
Agreed on Trump, and the Trumpeteers, obsession, jealousy and intimidation by Obama.

Disagreed about Pence. What lies has he told regarding COVID-19? Where has he differed from the response team?

Pence said that he couldn't recall tRump ever belittled the seriousness of COVID-19. He is catching much deserved "flack" for that blatant lie.

“I don’t believe the president has ever belittled the threat of the coronavirus,” Pence said
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Better send them to Venezuela, Iran and Mexico - that's where the Regime has done the most harm, though there is, of course, a lot of competition.
Pence said that he couldn't recall tRump ever belittled the seriousness of COVID-19. He is catching much deserved "flack" for that blatant lie.

“I don’t believe the president has ever belittled the threat of the coronavirus,” Pence said

Sure, the VP using the Reagan defense so as not to piss off his petty and tyrannical boss. Awesome.
The idiocy of Pence's statement is echoed on this board every day. Trump says stupid crap every day and the rightys hear the gospel.
Better send them to Venezuela, Iran and Mexico - that's where the Regime has done the most harm, though there is, of course, a lot of competition.

Well, tRump and his trumpanzees are the most destructive an Un American lot that I have ever seen in my lifetime.
I'm not sure that someone who sacrifices their credibility and self esteem to please their boss is "awesome". More like pathetic.

During Bush 43's campaign to invade Iraq, he had to go "General shopping" because all of our military experts knew it was completely idiotic and would get a lot of Americans needlessly killed. When ordered to go, many simply retired from the military rather than lead so many patriotic Americans to certain death. Others were encouraged by the non-military, often anti-military, Democrats to do the same. Those leaders faced a choice; retire and let some incompetent do the job or do the job themselves and work to minimize the damage done to our military.

Others have faced similar dilemmas; either play along a bit in order to maintain influence on the outcome or stand staunchly by their convictions, get thrown out and have zero input on the outcome. You obviously would favor being thrown out so you can claim moral superiority regardless of how many people died because you refused to help. I see Pence as choosing to stay and do his best to save as many Americans as possible.
I remember Powell saying that supporting the Cheney war was the biggest mistake that he ever made.

As far as Pence goes, I see another pathetic opportunist. He was a horrible governor with little in the way of a political future. Most of tRUMPS choices for VP turned him down. Pence (much like Palin, Quayle and a few others) had little to lose by running for VP.