Pentagon Panel Warns Troops Face Risk of Mental Health Problems


Villified User
Pentagon Panel Warns Troops Face Risk of Mental Health Problems

Friday, May 04, 2007

WASHINGTON — The military is putting already-strained troops at greater risk of mental health problems because of repeated deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, a Pentagon panel said Thursday in warning of an overburdened health system.

Issuing an urgent warning, the Defense Department's Task Force on Mental Health chaired by Navy Surgeon General Donald Arthur said more than one-third of troops and veterans currently suffer from problems such as traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

With an escalating Iraq war, those numbers are expected to worsen, and current staffing and money for military health care won't be able to meet the need, the group said in a preliminary report released Thursday.

"The system of care for psychological health that has evolved in recent decades is not sufficient to meet the needs of today's forces and their beneficiaries, and will not be sufficient to meet the needs in the future," the 14-member group says.,2933,270100,00.html
Pentagon Panel Warns Troops Face Risk of Mental Health Problems

Friday, May 04, 2007

WASHINGTON — The military is putting already-strained troops at greater risk of mental health problems because of repeated deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, a Pentagon panel said Thursday in warning of an overburdened health system.

Issuing an urgent warning, the Defense Department's Task Force on Mental Health chaired by Navy Surgeon General Donald Arthur said more than one-third of troops and veterans currently suffer from problems such as traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

With an escalating Iraq war, those numbers are expected to worsen, and current staffing and money for military health care won't be able to meet the need, the group said in a preliminary report released Thursday.

"The system of care for psychological health that has evolved in recent decades is not sufficient to meet the needs of today's forces and their beneficiaries, and will not be sufficient to meet the needs in the future," the 14-member group says.,2933,270100,00.html

At least they will be prepared to deal with all the mentally ill citizens here when they return.

Sorry----bad joke--just an editorial comment on the state of mental health of your average American. No much of a surprise that someone returning from a combat zone would be suffering from some damage to his/her psyche but America in general doesn't like to hear nor deal with mental trauma of anykind. Ignore it--it will just go away :rolleyes:
K, thanks Dillo. Not it won't go away, it brings us stuff like Bush and Neos ;)
that might be why Neos do not support mental health benefits.
A saner public would cut into their votes.
Bush's budget cut 46 mill from the clinics that treat veterans for mental helath problems. congress kept the funding at 100% of 2006 levels, overriding Bush. but not until the sacndal at the VA hospitals had been exposed by the "liberal" media....
Those clinics that treat marital and mental health problems for vets customers have risen 100% in the last 3 years and the staff has only risen 10% in the same time period.
This tells me that the "liberal" media support the vets far more than Bush and his ilk does.
Bush's budget cut 46 mill from the clinics that treat veterans for mental helath problems. congress kept the funding at 100% of 2006 levels, overriding Bush. but not until the sacndal at the VA hospitals had been exposed by the "liberal" media....
Those clinics that treat marital and mental health problems for vets customers have risen 100% in the last 3 years and the staff has only risen 10% in the same time period.
This tells me that the "liberal" media support the vets far more than Bush and his ilk does.

Perhaps---then again perhaps it's the first step in cutting all the worthless pieces of crap that were unsuccesful. Do you have any information that pertains to the strategy and reasoning behind making the cuts?
Perhaps---then again perhaps it's the first step in cutting all the worthless pieces of crap that were unsuccesful. Do you have any information that pertains to the strategy and reasoning behind making the cuts?

Oh I am sure it was the same briliant Bush strategy that got us into the quagmire of Iraq.
Oh I am sure it was the same briliant Bush strategy that got us into the quagmire of Iraq.

From Iraq, to Katrina, to fiscal mismanagement, to foreign policy, to corruption, I'm amazed at this point why anyone would wonder if Bush had a competent and pragmatic "reason" for underfunding veterans care.

Where is the evidence that virtually any Bush decisions, have been solidly grounded in facts, and competently executed?

When are the last remaining bush fans going to realize that Bush and his minions are totally out of their league?
From Iraq, to Katrina, to fiscal mismanagement, to foreign policy, to corruption, I'm amazed at this point why anyone would wonder if Bush had a competent and pragmatic "reason" for underfunding veterans care.

Where is the evidence that virtually any Bush decisions, have been solidly grounded in facts, and competently executed?

When are the last remaining bush fans going to realize that Bush and his minions are totally out of their league?

Maybe when someone comes along with a better idea--you know--one that works (not the kind of plan that redeploys our troops to Okinawa) :pke:
The best Idea was mine and some others. to not invade Iraq.

OK--gold star for you HOWEVER that is no longer an option----see if you can catch up with the issues facing us today in the here and now. If you have a good idea for a viable solution that cn be implemented NOW, you may be surprised to see the support you receive for it. Or is it just asking too much for you to contribute to the solution instead of rehashing the problem ?
Once you cut your arm off it is sort of too late to hook it back on. We just need get our butts out and guard the border if anything at all. I figure it will take at least as long if not longer for Iraq to settle down with us there as with us gone.

I was made fun of and called lots of names for opposing the war before it even started, so it is not my mess it it Bush's and his supporters.

btw do you know a person named Dixie ?
Umm back to the origional subject which you diverted form Dillo.

Why did Bush cut the VA clinics budget when the demand was going up ?
Maybe when someone comes along with a better idea--you know--one that works (not the kind of plan that redeploys our troops to Okinawa) :pke:

1) Many plans have been offered. Please don't pretend that "redeploying to Okinawa" is the only one out there (see 2, below). Dixie was the only poster in the history of this board, to claim that every plan that wasn't Bush's plan, did not qualify as a "real" plan.

2) I assume your refering to Murtha's quote on redeployment, and the countries we could redeploy to.

You only mentioned Okinawa. Did you intentionally leave out the rest of Murtha's quote on purpose?

In a recent appearance on Meet the Press, host Tim Russert asked Congressman Murtha to explain where our troops could be stationed if they redeployed from Iraq. Congressman Murtha replied:

Kuwait’s one that will take us. Qatar, we already have bases in Qatar. (Also in) Bahrain. All those countries are willing to take the United States…We don’t’ have to be right there. We can go to Okinawa..We can redeploy there almost instantly.”

Congressman Murtha has repeatedly explained that his plan calls for the redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq at the earliest practicable date and a quick reaction U.S. force and over-the-horizon presence of U.S. Marines to be deployed to the region if needed.

He further explains, “I have said several times that we could deploy a quick reactionary force from Kuwait, Bahrain or Qatar or could deploy a larger contingency of Marines from Okinawa or the United States, if needed.

“We currently have a Marine division headquartered in Okinawa, thus logistics and existing facilities are already in place. Additionally, during the course of this war, Marines at the battalion level or lower have already been deployed from Okinawa to Iraq.
I have no idea. Would you be nice enough to explain to me the exact reasons for that decision ?
Heck I can't even explain how bush remembers to go to the bathroom or eat.
He has a lot of support staff I guess...

If I could expalin Bush's thinking I would be a s bad off as he is.
You are the one defending they guy.