Pentobarbital in Dog Food.


Verified User
Pentobarb found in some brands of dog foods.

NEVER buy your dog food from a grocery store or places like Walmart. Read the fucking label. Anything that has the first ingredient corn or corn meal or something of the sort is poison for your dog.

Among the WORST dog foods around:

Old Roy
Kibbles and Bits
Purina Dog Chow
Gravy Train
Pentobarb found in some brands of dog foods.

NEVER buy your dog food from a grocery store or places like Walmart. Read the fucking label. Anything that has the first ingredient corn or corn meal or something of the sort is poison for your dog.

Among the WORST dog foods around:

Old Roy
Kibbles and Bits
Purina Dog Chow
Gravy Train

This was last year, but I'd still steer clear. I buy only the best stuff for my doggies anymore.
This was last year, but I'd still steer clear. I buy only the best stuff for my doggies anymore.

I didn't notice the date. But I do know which are the worst dog foods and how to read an ingredient label.

Whenever I'm in a grocery store and see customers grabbing an Old Roy or Beneful, etc., it just makes me cringe. Like eating McDonald's for your every meal.
I didn't notice the date. But I do know which are the worst dog foods and how to read an ingredient label.

Whenever I'm in a grocery store and see customers grabbing an Old Roy or Beneful, etc., it just makes me cringe. Like eating McDonald's for your every meal.

I buy the Rachel Ray stuff, and wholesome treats from Nutro
I buy the Rachel Ray stuff, and wholesome treats from Nutro

The unfortunate dogs who have to live with *some* ppl are probably grateful for the downers in their food. lol

It's more expensive, but dog ppl might want to look at what the professional mushers feed their canines. It's as close to a natural, high-protein diet as they can get. Those dogs are in optimal health.
The unfortunate dogs who have to live with *some* ppl are probably grateful for the downers in their food. lol

It's more expensive, but dog ppl might want to look at what the professional mushers feed their canines. It's as close to a natural, high-protein diet as they can get. Those dogs are in optimal health.

Yeah, but those dogs need a high protein and high fat diet because of the number of calories they burn. That's not the case for most dogs.

Most dogs do quite well on about 25% protein and around 15% fat. Plus or minus.
Yeah, but those dogs need a high protein and high fat diet because of the number of calories they burn. That's not the case for most dogs.
Most dogs do quite well on about 25% protein and around 15% fat. Plus or minus.

We don't have a canine so I'll bow to your superior knowledge on that.
Yeah, but those dogs need a high protein and high fat diet because of the number of calories they burn. That's not the case for most dogs.

Most dogs do quite well on about 25% protein and around 15% fat. Plus or minus.
The fad "grain free" diets are being shown to cause a heart condition called Dilated Cardiomyopathy in dogs.
The fad "grain free" diets are being shown to cause a heart condition called Dilated Cardiomyopathy in dogs.

That’s typically found in larger breeds like Dobermans, so a lot of it may be genetic. However, I understand it’s the grain free food that is high in legumes, as well.
That’s typically found in larger breeds like Dobermans, so a lot of it may be genetic. However, I understand it’s the grain free food that is high in legumes, as well.
Yes, that is correct. It is typical in larger breeds but they have found a correlation between the diet and the condition.

Pumpkin is a good one. I used to make my dogs treats some time ago. I found it was cheaper (and easier) if I just found a good, high quality treat to buy. I use them sparingly, anyway. People can “treat” their dog to death.

One of my dogs’ favorites is sweet potatoes. Great vitamin and mineral profile. I slice and dehydrate until they’re bone dry. They are hard enough to be a good dentifrice, too.
Pentobarb found in some brands of dog foods.

NEVER buy your dog food from a grocery store or places like Walmart. Read the fucking label. Anything that has the first ingredient corn or corn meal or something of the sort is poison for your dog.

Among the WORST dog foods around:

Old Roy
Kibbles and Bits
Purina Dog Chow
Gravy Train

Get some and eat it yourself. Bon appetit.
What a shame. Say, tell my other racist stalker nice job! I see she got up early to comb the forum for my posts, and found one in this thread that she is sure is about her. Because it's always SaulAboutMEEEE (one of her many sock names).

Today, 08:36 AM
Verified Loser
This message is hidden because CFM is on your ignore list.
What a shame. Say, tell my other racist stalker nice job! I see she got up early to comb the forum for my posts, and found one in this thread that she is sure is about her. Because it's always SaulAboutMEEEE (one of her many sock names).

Today, 08:36 AM
Verified Loser
This message is hidden because CFM is on your ignore list.

I never see CFM’s horseshit, either. When the idiot replies to me, he’s speaking to himself, despite the knowledge he’s on ignore.

But, that’s the way morons roll.
I never see CFM’s horseshit, either. When the idiot replies to me, he’s speaking to himself, despite the knowledge he’s on ignore.

But, that’s the way morons roll.

Yep. Predictably my little stalker puppet seized upon my post, above, and rushed over to copy it into her Toxic's So Deranged thread, to show that she is not in fact obsessed with me. Watch. She'll do the same with this one.

Repost my puppet, repost!