people fucking suck

I can't tell you the number of morons I have to deal with on a weekly basis who buy small animals from a pet store then decide that it's too much to deal with. I'm currently trying to keep a 6 month old prairie dog alive who is so malnourished and dehydrated, that it looks like it was born 3 weeks ago.

one of these days, i'm just gonna stab you in the throat.
I can't tell you the number of morons I have to deal with on a weekly basis who buy small animals from a pet store then decide that it's too much to deal with. I'm currently trying to keep a 6 month old prairie dog alive who is so malnourished and dehydrated, that it looks like it was born 3 weeks ago.

one of these days, i'm just gonna stab you in the throat.
STY, although I do not share your violence, I share your contempt for people who abuse animals this way, I am sorry, this is the reason my son didn't want to go into the business!
Big hugs to you for being the hero!
I can't tell you the number of morons I have to deal with on a weekly basis who buy small animals from a pet store then decide that it's too much to deal with. I'm currently trying to keep a 6 month old prairie dog alive who is so malnourished and dehydrated, that it looks like it was born 3 weeks ago.

one of these days, i'm just gonna stab you in the throat.


Animals are better than people.
On the other hand, Mr "I Love Animals So Much It Hurts" enthusiastically endorses the murder of police officers and law enforcement personnel.
Time for a thread save.

I can't tell you the number of morons I have to deal with on a weekly basis who buy small animals from a pet store then decide that it's too much to deal with. I'm currently trying to keep a 6 month old prairie dog alive who is so malnourished and dehydrated, that it looks like it was born 3 weeks ago.

one of these days, i'm just gonna stab you in the throat.

Yeah I know what you mean. The neighbors kid just had to have that rabbit. It sits in the cage, outside, alone now. She goes in daily to clean out the shit, change the water and add food. Its fucked up.

Same with dogs with some people. I grabbed a dog off the street a few winters back. It had broken off of its 15' long chain, which it was dragging behind it. The portion around its neck was secured with a rusted bolt, so I know it had been on for years. I tossed it in the back of the car, man did it stink, and brought it to the city shelter.