people need to learn from Foamy

Fu#k Foamy, who gave him the right to tell us what to Fu#K?

And fuck angry little morons like Foamy.

First he says to fuck all record company execs for ruining music by commercializing the hell out of it. "Music is art, not a commodity". Says Foamy.

A little later he says that all art is useless.

So if music is art, and all art is useless, then why would this little turd care what record company execs did to music?
And fuck angry little morons like Foamy.

First he says to fuck all record company execs for ruining music by commercializing the hell out of it. "Music is art, not a commodity". Says Foamy.

A little later he says that all art is useless.

So if music is art, and all art is useless, then why would this little turd care what record company execs did to music?

If there's one thing i can't stand more than squeaky cartoon bastards it is squeaky cartoon bastards who fail to hold a constant position on the issues they're squeaking about. :mad:
If there's one thing i can't stand more than squeaky cartoon bastards it is squeaky cartoon bastards who fail to hold a constant position on the issues they're squeaking about. :mad:

Actually, I thought Foamy was very consistant. He had one single over riding message. FUCK YOU!
Actually, I thought Foamy was very consistant. He had one single over riding message. FUCK YOU!

That is true but if you are afflicted with such a high pitched and, i can't stress this forcefully enough, incredibly annoying and aggravating voice then, surely, he would come to regard brevity as his friend.

10 fecking minutes, sir?
And fuck angry little morons like Foamy.

First he says to fuck all record company execs for ruining music by commercializing the hell out of it. "Music is art, not a commodity". Says Foamy.

A little later he says that all art is useless.

So if music is art, and all art is useless, then why would this little turd care what record company execs did to music?

Looks like you're fucked, zippy. :cof1: