People that piss me off: Volume III


Uwaa OmO
Another volume of PEOPLE THAT PISS ME OFF.

And once again, it involves people on the road.

I don't know, maybe I have road rage or something. I mean, I'm not a big fan of driving, so I'm already kinda pissed when I start my truck up. But for some reason, people seem to make it their mission to piss me off.

But this is one case that I haven't ACTUALLY witnessed in person yet. Toyota drivers who don't know what the fuck to do when they "suddenly start accelerating". I heard this one dumbass on TV, talking to a 911 operator.

Now maybe I shouldn't be so critical. It actually happened to me the other day. My old trucks accelerator pedal got stuck when I was on the freeway (a stupid cotter pin was coming loose and got caught on the floor mat). I'll admit, it was kind of startling. But instead of dialing 911 like a retard, I did something that made sense. I popped my car into neutral, stuck my foot UNDER the pedal, pulled it free and popped my truck back into drive. It took me about 3 times as long to type it as it did to do it. And it only took about 30 seconds to type.

Now I don't know what causes the Toyota malfunction. Maybe freeing the pedal won't work. But putting your car into fucking neutral will. You'd think that if you can afford an expensive car, you'd have the common sense to know what that big N stands for and what it does.
The Prius didn't suffer from the acceleration problem. He refused to put it in neutral because he thought it would "flip the car over" - which makes absolutely no sense. A lot of people are saying it's a stunt he pulled because he can no longer make payments on his car and was thinking it would somehow help him.
Why is it people with these cars cannot figure this out. I have said to my wife a dozen times that all you have to do is put the car in neutral, pull off the road and brake then shut of the engine. This is not Rocket Surgery
Why is it people with these cars cannot figure this out. I have said to my wife a dozen times that all you have to do is put the car in neutral, pull off the road and brake then shut of the engine. This is not Rocket Surgery

Or simply turn the key ...

That was the first thing we thought of when we heard this story. Turn off the damn engine!
Another volume of PEOPLE THAT PISS ME OFF.

And once again, it involves people on the road.

I don't know, maybe I have road rage or something. I mean, I'm not a big fan of driving, so I'm already kinda pissed when I start my truck up. But for some reason, people seem to make it their mission to piss me off.

But this is one case that I haven't ACTUALLY witnessed in person yet. Toyota drivers who don't know what the fuck to do when they "suddenly start accelerating". I heard this one dumbass on TV, talking to a 911 operator.

Now maybe I shouldn't be so critical. It actually happened to me the other day. My old trucks accelerator pedal got stuck when I was on the freeway (a stupid cotter pin was coming loose and got caught on the floor mat). I'll admit, it was kind of startling. But instead of dialing 911 like a retard, I did something that made sense. I popped my car into neutral, stuck my foot UNDER the pedal, pulled it free and popped my truck back into drive. It took me about 3 times as long to type it as it did to do it. And it only took about 30 seconds to type.

Now I don't know what causes the Toyota malfunction. Maybe freeing the pedal won't work. But putting your car into fucking neutral will. You'd think that if you can afford an expensive car, you'd have the common sense to know what that big N stands for and what it does.

Except for "battery" you have to put your foot on the break to go into any gear on a Prius. There is no key to turn and you cannot remove the smart key unless the power is off...which is the big clue with a Prius...IT HAS A "POWER" BUTTON! all ya have to do is push the power off~~~