People that PISS ME OFF: Volume V


Uwaa OmO
I know, it's been so long since my last installment of what segment of humanity makes me shoot boiling blood from eyes. I've tried, oh how I've tried, to be a calmer individual. I've avoided arguments. I've bit my tongue (literally) when I encounter you fools in the local market. But that's not good enough. No, you WANT me to get pissed. You crave the attention and rage. That's the only explanation I can come up with anyways.

Today the honor goes to people who don't know how to properly merge.

I know, I know. I must be the one with the problem. I mean, why else would almost all of these rants involve people on the road? I must just have road rage.

YOU'RE GODDAMNED RIGHT I DO! And I'm entitled to every ounce of it! How the fuck do these people get a license? I mean, you've been driving down these roads for 3 or 4 decades, and yet still don't know that when a sign says your lane ends in 1 mile, you should get the fuck over ASAP? NO!!!! You're special. Afterall, that's why you'll ride all the way up to the merge point and try and force your way into MY FUCKING LANE. That's why we have 5 mile long traffic jams you stupid sons of bitches! Because you think that you're better than every one else! FUCK YOU! You think you're somehow more important than me or anyone else with basic reading comprehension? NO, you're not. I swear, if it was legal for me to run you fuckers off the road I would quit my job to do just that.

And while I'm on the subject, when I'm getting on the freeway on ramp I have the right of way. So learn that and plan a-fucking-cordingly. And by the same token, when I'm letting YOU on the freeway, GET THE FUCK OVER AND MERGE!! God damn! Is this fucking magic?
I know, it's been so long since my last installment of what segment of humanity makes me shoot boiling blood from eyes. I've tried, oh how I've tried, to be a calmer individual. I've avoided arguments. I've bit my tongue (literally) when I encounter you fools in the local market. But that's not good enough. No, you WANT me to get pissed. You crave the attention and rage. That's the only explanation I can come up with anyways.

Today the honor goes to people who don't know how to properly merge.

I know, I know. I must be the one with the problem. I mean, why else would almost all of these rants involve people on the road? I must just have road rage.

YOU'RE GODDAMNED RIGHT I DO! And I'm entitled to every ounce of it! How the fuck do these people get a license? I mean, you've been driving down these roads for 3 or 4 decades, and yet still don't know that when a sign says your lane ends in 1 mile, you should get the fuck over ASAP? NO!!!! You're special. Afterall, that's why you'll ride all the way up to the merge point and try and force your way into MY FUCKING LANE. That's why we have 5 mile long traffic jams you stupid sons of bitches! Because you think that you're better than every one else! FUCK YOU! You think you're somehow more important than me or anyone else with basic reading comprehension? NO, you're not. I swear, if it was legal for me to run you fuckers off the road I would quit my job to do just that.

And while I'm on the subject, when I'm getting on the freeway on ramp I have the right of way. So learn that and plan a-fucking-cordingly. And by the same token, when I'm letting YOU on the freeway, GET THE FUCK OVER AND MERGE!! God damn! Is this fucking magic?

NO and you can't make me. HA-HA
I hate people who turn into the on-ramp, get in the right lane, and expect all of us in the left lane to merge into them, rather than the other way around.
What are the red lights all about?

Why do they have to call it rear end?

It's just a bumper.
I don't understand what you're talking about. :(

I'm afraid I'm doing it. :(

2 lane off-ramps. Right lane always merges into left lane, meaning the people in the right lane have to check their mirrors and blinds and eventually slide over into the left lane when its safe. Instead, they just cruise along, and if we in the left lane don't brake for them, then there's a possible collision...
I didn't understand you at first either Three. But you're basically saying the same thing I am (though we don't have two lane off ramps that merge here).
I didn't understand you at first either Three. But you're basically saying the same thing I am (though we don't have two lane off ramps that merge here).

Well, I was specifying 2-lane on-ramps, because it ALWAYS happens there. I don't always have issues on major roads with lanes ending and people needing to merge over into my lane. I think it comes down to the fact that the type of person who will generally get in the outer turn lane when going onto an on-ramp is assholish, whereas people can wind up in lanes that will end without much value being placed on it.

Here in WA there are a lot of on-ramps that have two lanes.
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It's a common problem here because our roads have two seasons; Winter and construction.

I've been to Wisconsin, which has a similar problem. Does Michigan also have the habit of leaving orange construction cones up all over the place, or is that just Wisconsin?
You mean they DON'T grow there naturally?


It has my friend Mike and I weirded out. In Milwaukee, they will just stick them places (everywhere, really), and leave them there for an eternity. They will also close down parts of the freeway, arbitrarity, for an evening or a weekend, and cite it as a construction site. Then they will proceed to do absolutely no contruction. In the end, only the plastic companies get any benefit from this, as they turn out more and more cones for the city.
I know, it's been so long since my last installment of what segment of humanity makes me shoot boiling blood from eyes. I've tried, oh how I've tried, to be a calmer individual. I've avoided arguments. I've bit my tongue (literally) when I encounter you fools in the local market. But that's not good enough. No, you WANT me to get pissed. You crave the attention and rage. That's the only explanation I can come up with anyways.

Today the honor goes to people who don't know how to properly merge.

I know, I know. I must be the one with the problem. I mean, why else would almost all of these rants involve people on the road? I must just have road rage.

YOU'RE GODDAMNED RIGHT I DO! And I'm entitled to every ounce of it! How the fuck do these people get a license? I mean, you've been driving down these roads for 3 or 4 decades, and yet still don't know that when a sign says your lane ends in 1 mile, you should get the fuck over ASAP? NO!!!! You're special. Afterall, that's why you'll ride all the way up to the merge point and try and force your way into MY FUCKING LANE. That's why we have 5 mile long traffic jams you stupid sons of bitches! Because you think that you're better than every one else! FUCK YOU! You think you're somehow more important than me or anyone else with basic reading comprehension? NO, you're not. I swear, if it was legal for me to run you fuckers off the road I would quit my job to do just that.

And while I'm on the subject, when I'm getting on the freeway on ramp I have the right of way. So learn that and plan a-fucking-cordingly. And by the same token, when I'm letting YOU on the freeway, GET THE FUCK OVER AND MERGE!! God damn! Is this fucking magic?
Dude, you live in michigan, what the fuck did you expect? :pke: