People that piss me off


Uwaa OmO
Well there are a lot of them. But one group is pretty high up on that list.


I know biking is cheap and healthy. Good for you, saving money and staying slim. But there's a sidewalk 5 feet to your right, and it's a 50mph road. Get the fuck over so I can get to where I need to go. Some of us have things to do.

Fuck everyone who does that, I hope they get punched in the kidneys.
Well there are a lot of them. But one group is pretty high up on that list.


I know biking is cheap and healthy. Good for you, saving money and staying slim. But there's a sidewalk 5 feet to your right, and it's a 50mph road. Get the fuck over so I can get to where I need to go. Some of us have things to do.

Fuck everyone who does that, I hope they get punched in the kidneys.

Most States forbid bicycles from riding on the sidewalk and require then to ride with the flow of traffic. :good4u:
Most States forbid bicycles from riding on the sidewalk and require then to ride with the flow of traffic. :good4u:

Not only that, but its safer for them to ride in the street. Car drivers need to calm down. Cyclers are the good guys. Putting them on the sidewalk is silly. They're not the problem, the problem is impatient pimplenecks who think that they're superior to everything on the road because of their Enzyte sponsored pickup.
Well there are a lot of them. But one group is pretty high up on that list.


I know biking is cheap and healthy. Good for you, saving money and staying slim. But there's a sidewalk 5 feet to your right, and it's a 50mph road. Get the fuck over so I can get to where I need to go. Some of us have things to do.

Fuck everyone who does that, I hope they get punched in the kidneys.

I agree 100%. Bicyclers piss me off. :moped:
Not only that, but its safer for them to ride in the street. Car drivers need to calm down. Cyclers are the good guys. Putting them on the sidewalk is silly. They're not the problem, the problem is impatient pimplenecks who think that they're superior to everything on the road because of their Enzyte sponsored pickup.
How is putting them on the side walk silly?
People walk on the sidewalk. Its for people that walk, stroll, you know, don't go fast. Bikes on the sidewalk is pandemonium.

You technocrats have to understand that "analog" travel is more efficient, more traffic-reducing, and healthier for people that riding around in an essentially Lazy-Boy style recliner listening to god knows what and thinking you own the road.

More bikes = less traffic.

So in short, as per usual, you're incorrect again. Wrong.


Sidewalks aren't made for bike traffic. The turns are too tight and its too bumpy. Plus its dangerous to mix bike and pedestrian traffic.

With all the abandoned land in Detroit, it seems that they could designate 6' of every street as a bike lane.
Well there are a lot of them. But one group is pretty high up on that list.


I know biking is cheap and healthy. Good for you, saving money and staying slim. But there's a sidewalk 5 feet to your right, and it's a 50mph road. Get the fuck over so I can get to where I need to go. Some of us have things to do.

Fuck everyone who does that, I hope they get punched in the kidneys.

:good4u: Right on !!!!!!!! :clap:

I'm sick and tired of bikes and pedestrians on the G-D road! Didn't their mother ever tell them to keep off the road?

All I hear about is watch out for pedestrians. Hey, I don't drive on the sidewalk. How would pedestrians like it if they were told to watch out for cars on the sidewalk?

Roads were built for cars. And this wacky idea of stopping so a pedestrian can cross the street. Hey, maybe watch out for cars???

It's no wonder people get hit by cars when society tells them they have the right of way. What are we teaching out kids? They see their parents and others just walking into the street expecting the cars to stop.

Walk on the sidewalk. Take the bus. Whatever, just get off the street!
CAPTAIN, i 100% agree with you. I fucking hate bicyclists with a passion.

I always make sure to beep my horn really loud when they are in the street NOT MOVING OUT OF THE FUCKING way in an effort to scare the shit out of them.
Beefy, you're not making any sense at all. What you're saying is "Bikes, go faster than people who walk or jog, so they shouldn't be where people walk or jog. They should be with cars, even though bikes can't go as fast as cars and it's far safer to the cyclist to stay off the road."

I mean seriously, let's look at these two scenarios:

1. I'm a pedestrian going for a "stroll". I don't have any need to be there in a hurry, so I'm taking my sweet ass time. Suddenly I hear something behind me. A CYCLIST! coming at me so fast! He must be moving at at least 12MPH!!!!!!!! That's so fast I will barely have time to stop, wave at him/her, bend down to tie my shoe, inspect a ant hill, and CASUALLY MOVE OVER so he can pass me. The horror.

2. I'm driving home from my VA appointment. I'm on the highway and all of a sudden, I see a cyclist decide he wants to be in the same lane as me, despite that fact that he's only doing about 1/2 the speed limit. I can tell this because even though I have seen him about a mile ahead of me, with proper braking I only manage to stop 3 feet from him. It's fucking rush hour, so I can't get around him. So because he want's to take his sweet merry fucking time on the road, not only am I inconvenienced, so is EVERYONE ELSE BEHIND ME! All so Mr/Mrs cyclist can feel good about themselves. Sure they could go riding at a different time of day, or a place that isn't a major fucking highway, but no, they won't.
Well there are a lot of them. But one group is pretty high up on that list.


I know biking is cheap and healthy. Good for you, saving money and staying slim. But there's a sidewalk 5 feet to your right, and it's a 50mph road. Get the fuck over so I can get to where I need to go. Some of us have things to do.

Fuck everyone who does that, I hope they get punched in the kidneys.
Fuck you and your pencil dick and the over powered pick up truck you need to compensate for that pencil dick. Real men don't need a motor and I probably spent more money on my road bike then you did on your cheap assed F-150!

You may ride a bike like old people fuck but when I ride a bike, I ride fast and I follow the traffic laws WHICH SAY IT'S FUCKING ILLEGAL TO RIDE THE FUCKING SIDEWALK WHERE YOU"LL RUN OVER LITTLE KIDS AND WHINEY ASSED BITCHES LIKE YOU!

I've been riding for 20 years and I always ride on the right hand side and I never do double pace lines or ride abreast in urban areas and I don't know how much shit and abuse I take from the pencil dicked "I need a big truck cause I have a pencil dick" crowd. I've been buzzed, ran off the road, ran into, had shit thrown at me, been pulled out in front of when I had the right of way and just about every other fucking stupid assed pet trick in the book cause you can't wait 15 seconds to make a pass.

I hope the next time you buzz a road biker the cops pull you over, chain you to your tail gate, cover you in pepper spray, beat you senseless with a night stick and then ass rape you until you're bored out like a howitzer and have to wear adult diapers for the rest of your life with out the benefit of giving you a reach around on your little pencil dick you flat footed floor fleecing mother fucker!

Ahhhhh.....I feel better now.....that was the best rant I've had in a long time....Thanks Billy. :)
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Oh and how could I forget to respond to the classic "you drive a truck because you have a small penis!" Argument. It's true ladies and gents, I have a small penis.

Which is why I not only drive a pick up, but put large amounts of tools in the back. I could just as easily haul a 32ft extension ladder from Toyota Camry, but then no one might think about the size of my penis. And yes, I could transport about half a ton of fire wood from a Seabring, but again, no one would possibly think about my penis.

You see, even though I'm perfectly secure in my penis, I still want everyone withing visual range to see me, driving my pickup, laden with tools for my job, and think "Damn, he must be compensating for something."
Oh and how could I forget to respond to the classic "you drive a truck because you have a small penis!" Argument. It's true ladies and gents, I have a small penis.

Which is why I not only drive a pick up, but put large amounts of tools in the back. I could just as easily haul a 32ft extension ladder from Toyota Camry, but then no one might think about the size of my penis. And yes, I could transport about half a ton of fire wood from a Seabring, but again, no one would possibly think about my penis.

You see, even though I'm perfectly secure in my penis, I still want everyone withing visual range to see me, driving my pickup, laden with tools for my job, and think "Damn, he must be compensating for something."

You say black, I say white,
You say bark, I say bite
You say shark, I say hey man!
Jaws was never my scene
and I don't like star wars.
You say Rolls, I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord, I say christ.

I don't care about your tools
or your truck,
about your penis
I don't give a fuck,

All I wanna do is,

Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle,
I don't care about your truck
I want to ride my bicycle
and for your little penis
I don't give a fuck! :)
You say black, I say white,
You say bark, I say bite
You say shark, I say hey man!
Jaws was never my scene
and I don't like star wars.
You say Rolls, I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord, I say christ.

I don't care about your tools
or your truck,
about your penis
I don't give a fuck,

All I wanna do is,

Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle,
I don't care about your truck
I want to ride my bicycle
and for your little penis
I don't give a fuck! :)

Alright, that was clever.
I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm also perfectly fine with dedicated bike lanes on the sides of roads.
Yea a lot of states have been lobbying for those. I think it's a great idea. I usually stay away from high traffic areas on my bike because it's just plain unsafe and you only end up pissing off motorist. If you can't stay in the flow of traffic, you probably shouldn't be riding in that area. Dedicated bike lanes are an excellent solution to that problem.