APP - Perception versus reality


The world was abuzz in the Democrat Media Industrial Complex over the recent op ed written by twice failed Presidential candidate Mitt Romney who “bravely” proclaimed that President Trump doesn’t have the “temperament” to be President.

I have heard it said that the two time failed Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has more class than President Trump.

But is that reality? Let’s look at actual facts shall we?

Was it Donald Trump who wrote an op ed saying he was a NeverMitter during the 2012 campaign? No it was not. Romney launched hostilities in 2016 and actively tried to sabotage Trumps campaign

Yet even after that, Trump graciously met with the Mittster when it was learned the Mittster wanted a role in the administration. Trump even endorsed and backed the Mittster during his Senate bid

Seems to me it is the Mittster who is showing no class or the temperament to be President. President Trump was wise not to select Romney to serve in his administration. He obviously would have sabotaged Trump at every turn looking out for his own ambitions

Romney can kiss any future run for President goodbye. He is dead to me politicallly as are all NeverTrumpers.