Perfect example Apple spinning again


This started off with Midcan starting a thread called 'What We Owe to Each Other' and then posting a somewhat lenghy post that could be seen as support for Communism.

Any way; Apple chimed in with an equally lengthy comment that ended with the following statement:

We owe each other the basic necessities and we owe each other to at least try to remedy any problems which interfere in their ability to obtain a decent life; be it medical care, education, counselling, etc.

I then asked him the following question:

And the persons who are getting these "basic necessities", without really working for them; what do they owe and to who??

To which he replied:

They owe an honest effort to try and contribute to society. However, if a person is unemployed, before we assume they're lazy, find them a job and see if they show up for work.
Followed by another lenghty diatribe.

To which I asked for a clarification:

So the people out of work aren't obligated to owe anything?

To which Apple responded with mrore verbosity, in an attempt to remove himself from the corner he was painting himself into

It depends on what you mean by "owe". If one is unemployed and living well off investments then, sure, they owe. If one is unemployed and in poverty they certainly don't owe money. They do "owe" equal time should the community face a disaster and require the assistance of everyone.

Since it was obvious that Apple was now attempting to spin himself a safety shield, to protect himself from his own asininity, I asked the following; but notice that he is now moving away from his declaration that people "owe" to the phrase "equal time":

But only during a disaster!! :good4u:

And if they don't put in that "equal time"??

As you can see in Apple's response, that he's becoming more desperate to find a way out of that painted corner.

It depends on what the equal time involves. For example, a hundred years ago most people lived out their lives in one place. In a small community if a road needed built the people would get together and do it or they might build a community center. Others would supply food for the workers.

Today, projects are done by professionals and most citizens contribute through financial means.

Since Apple appears to not even know what he's suggesting should happen, in his usage of "equal time", and it looks like he''s decided to try and spin his response in a direction that he found more comfortable, I decided to see what direction he would go:

That wasn't what I asked you. :palm:

And in his following reply; he starts his backpedaling and trying to juggle at the same time:

"It depends on what the equal time involves." If you're not satisfied with my answer clarify what you mean.

The rest of the exchange is just Apple dodging the responsibility of taking a stand and actually owning his behavior.
Zap decided to throw his 2 cents in, seeing as how he's lost, since his Bromance has left and he desperately needs an anchor to tie himself to; but anyone being honest can see that this is just another example of Apple spinning his replies, because he can't back his original comments.

Now he'll try to prove me wrong, by actually making statements that he can't avoid; but give it time and he'll revert back to his standard behavior, because he can't change since he's ingrained with the behavior after so many years.
This started off with Midcan starting a thread called 'What We Owe to Each Other' and then posting a somewhat lenghy post that could be seen as support for Communism.

Any way; Apple chimed in with an equally lengthy comment that ended with the following statement:

I then asked him the following question:

To which he replied:

Followed by another lenghty diatribe.

To which I asked for a clarification:

To which Apple responded with mrore verbosity, in an attempt to remove himself from the corner he was painting himself into

Since it was obvious that Apple was now attempting to spin himself a safety shield, to protect himself from his own asininity, I asked the following; but notice that he is now moving away from his declaration that people "owe" to the phrase "equal time":

As you can see in Apple's response, that he's becoming more desperate to find a way out of that painted corner.

Since Apple appears to not even know what he's suggesting should happen, in his usage of "equal time", and it looks like he''s decided to try and spin his response in a direction that he found more comfortable, I decided to see what direction he would go:

And in his following reply; he starts his backpedaling and trying to juggle at the same time:

The rest of the exchange is just Apple dodging the responsibility of taking a stand and actually owning his behavior.
Zap decided to throw his 2 cents in, seeing as how he's lost, since his Bromance has left and he desperately needs an anchor to tie himself to; but anyone being honest can see that this is just another example of Apple spinning his replies, because he can't back his original comments.

Now he'll try to prove me wrong, by actually making statements that he can't avoid; but give it time and he'll revert back to his standard behavior, because he can't change since he's ingrained with the behavior after so many years.

I'm seriously questioning if this board attracts an unusually higher percentage of comprehension challenged individuals. In any case, I shall make another attempt to clarify my position for those individuals mentioned.

Everyone owes something to society. Contrary to right wing, conservative wing nuts "owe" does not necessarily mean money. Married people "owe" fidelity to their partner. Parents "owe" their children nurture and support. Individuals "owe" it to society to put their refuse in the proper place and not pollute. None of those things involve the exchange of money.

You asked, "And the persons who are getting these "basic necessities", without really working for them; what do they owe and to who?" and I replied, "They owe an honest effort to try and contribute to society."

Obviously, they can not contribute financially because if they could they wouldn't require receiving the basic necessities from others. That's about as elementary as I can explain it.

Furthermore, I'm not sure why you would ask such a bizarre question. Helping those in need is similar to giving to a charity. It's like asking what a person, receiving charity, owes. Financially speaking, it's an absurd question. They do not have any finances, however, as citizens they still "owe" what every other citizen owes which is protection of the environment, treating each other in a decent fashion, etc.

Let me know if you are still having difficulty. :)
I'm seriously questioning if this board attracts an unusually higher percentage of comprehension challenged individuals. In any case, I shall make another attempt to clarify my position for those individuals mentioned.

Everyone owes something to society. Contrary to right wing, conservative wing nuts "owe" does not necessarily mean money. Married people "owe" fidelity to their partner. Parents "owe" their children nurture and support. Individuals "owe" it to society to put their refuse in the proper place and not pollute. None of those things involve the exchange of money.

You asked, "And the persons who are getting these "basic necessities", without really working for them; what do they owe and to who?" and I replied, "They owe an honest effort to try and contribute to society."

Obviously, they can not contribute financially because if they could they wouldn't require receiving the basic necessities from others. That's about as elementary as I can explain it.

Furthermore, I'm not sure why you would ask such a bizarre question. Helping those in need is similar to giving to a charity. It's like asking what a person, receiving charity, owes. Financially speaking, it's an absurd question. They do not have any finances, however, as citizens they still "owe" what every other citizen owes which is protection of the environment, treating each other in a decent fashion, etc.

Let me know if you are still having difficulty. :)

And you still were unable to explain your definition, when asked; ergo: you used a phrase, without thinking, and when questioned, you started trying to cover your ass, just like you did with the post you left here.
And you still were unable to explain your definition, when asked; ergo: you used a phrase, without thinking, and when questioned, you started trying to cover your ass, just like you did with the post you left here.

And you are still unable to understand what I write.

Let's analyze your question a bit further. "And the persons who are getting these "basic necessities", without really working for them; what do they owe and to who?"

When a person receives basic necessities it's considered receiving help. What does a person receiving help owe to the person or persons offering the help? The answer is they do not owe them anything except, perhaps, a thank-you.

What do you owe your neighbor if he helps you with something? What do you owe a family member who helps you?

What it appears you are having difficulty understanding is in today's world financial help for those in need has replaced physical help that was offered in the past. If a family was hungry the neighbors literally brought them food. Neighbor "A" would go to his garden and pick fresh vegetables and take them to neighbor "B". Today, rather than neighbor "A" physically acquiring food and taking it to neighbor "B" neighbor "A" pays taxes and part of that money goes to neighbor "B" so he can buy food.

In the past, what did neighbor "A" owe neighbor "B" when neighbor "B" brought him food? When you answer that you'll have answered your own question.
And you are still unable to understand what I write.

Let's analyze your question a bit further. "And the persons who are getting these "basic necessities", without really working for them; what do they owe and to who?"

When a person receives basic necessities it's considered receiving help. What does a person receiving help owe to the person or persons offering the help? The answer is they do not owe them anything except, perhaps, a thank-you.

What do you owe your neighbor if he helps you with something? What do you owe a family member who helps you?

What it appears you are having difficulty understanding is in today's world financial help for those in need has replaced physical help that was offered in the past. If a family was hungry the neighbors literally brought them food. Neighbor "A" would go to his garden and pick fresh vegetables and take them to neighbor "B". Today, rather than neighbor "A" physically acquiring food and taking it to neighbor "B" neighbor "A" pays taxes and part of that money goes to neighbor "B" so he can buy food.

In the past, what did neighbor "A" owe neighbor "B" when neighbor "B" brought him food? When you answer that you'll have answered your own question.

And neighbor A wasn't going to do it indefinetly and at some point was going to expect neighbor B to get up off his ass and do SOMETHING.

Your theme song:
"Here we go around in circles"
And neighbor A wasn't going to do it indefinetly and at some point was going to expect neighbor B to get up off his ass and do SOMETHING.

Your theme song:
"Here we go around in circles"

And everyone does do something. If a person loses their job after 20 years they were doing something for 20 years. How many people do you know or even heard about who never worked in their life...well, except the very wealthy?