Perhaps the best "ethics" bill ever ?


Villified User
Bill Would Deny Pensions to Convicted Lawmakers

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rep. William Jefferson is being investigated, but has not been charged, for taking money in exchange for legislative favors.

WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives will begin debate Friday on a measure to deny federal pensions for former members of Congress who have been convicted of a crime while serving in the U.S. Legislature.

Current federal law strips pensions only in cases of treason and certain espionage-related offenses. Legislation introduced by Rep. Nancy Boyda, D- Kan., expands the list of pension-losing crimes to include "bribery of public officials and witnesses, offenses related to officers and employees acting as agents of foreign principals, conspiracy to commit any of the above crimes, conspiracy to violate post-employment restrictions statutes and perjury in falsely denying any of the above.",2933,244339,00.html
Yes, I like this idea very well. You cheat, get caught, you lose. Sounds like a good plan to me.:)
Bill Would Deny Pensions to Convicted Lawmakers

Good move. Thinking of felons Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, or James Traficant collecting a pension, chaps my hide.
Excellent. I agree fully with this one. Now if we can just get them to stick with SS like everybody else I think we'd see some reform there too.
Oh the cure to the SS problem is simple. Just put all federal pension monies in with the SS tie them together legally if one goes bust they both go bust.