personal injury lawsuits

short story

I was involved in a vehicle accident this week. I was rear ended by a driver not paying attention.

his insurance wants to call my car a total loss. I owe about 8,000 on it. It's kelly value is about 4,000. I suffered some significant neck and back soft tissue damage and have had to cancel job interviews and turn down work because I can't move well. My wife goes in for open heart surgery next week and the damages offer was a measly $2,000.

I need some lawyerly advice. Texas is the state. Should I just go ahead and file suit or state my preferred settlement?
You should probably hire a lawyer to talk to yourself, since they'd be able to better gauge the situation, but we do have several lawyers here like Soc and Jarod. I don't think any specialize in these kinds of suits.
short story

I was involved in a vehicle accident this week. I was rear ended by a driver not paying attention.

his insurance wants to call my car a total loss. I owe about 8,000 on it. It's kelly value is about 4,000. I suffered some significant neck and back soft tissue damage and have had to cancel job interviews and turn down work because I can't move well. My wife goes in for open heart surgery next week and the damages offer was a measly $2,000.

I need some lawyerly advice. Texas is the state. Should I just go ahead and file suit or state my preferred settlement?
Get a lawyer, they are gypping you. They are not on your side and they have a slew of lawyer to paste on your unprepared behind. You are due far more than 2K, plus if you accept any further action would be impossible because you would sign an agreement to that effect. You cannot let these guys do that to you.
Get a lawyer, they are gypping you. They are not on your side and they have a slew of lawyer to paste on your unprepared behind. You are due far more than 2K, plus if you accept any further action would be impossible because you would sign an agreement to that effect. You cannot let these guys do that to you.

They want you to sign as soon as possible because the sooner you sign the better their chance of getting over on you.

Get a lawyer.
All just ambulance chasers and frivilous lawyers until you need one.

Not picking on you stu, Hope it all works out well for you.
All just ambulance chasers and frivilous lawyers until you need one.

Not picking on you stu, Hope it all works out well for you.

In general I have a low opinion of lawyers. But if the other side has one (or more) you had better have one too.