Personal Responsibility- Republican Style


The first paragraph in this news article tells us how we ended up with the no-exceptions abortion ban in S. Dakota. Kayla Brandt had an abortion three years ago and instantly hated having done it. She then made it her personal crusade to ensure that no other woman made the "bad choice" she felt she had made.

This is personal responsibility? I made what I perceive to be a bad choice, and it's not my fault, but rather, it's the fault of our legal system because they gave me the choice in the first place? Now that choice must be taken away. Less freedom, no choice, no responsibility.

Wow, what a role model our little Kayla is.

S. Dakota Becomes Abortion Focal Point
Voters to Decide Fate of State Ban

By Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 28, 2006; A01

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. -- Kayla Brandt had an abortion three years ago and instantly hated having done it. Now, hoping to stop other women from making the same choice, she is a public advocate for the most severe abortion ban in the nation.
"I don't want anyone to feel what I did," Brandt says.
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Yeas like a couple of preachers I know that brag on how they were horrible sinners before they found salvation, all the while telling you not to do what they did or you will burn in hell.
Why not have fun now and repent later like they did :)
Gov. Mike Rounds (R) signed the bill into law in March, declaring that the unborn are "the most helpless persons in our society."

i disagree with this statement, because the unborn are not in our ''society'' yet....

the BORN babies of unwed mothers, are the most vulnerable/helpless persons in our society, the POOR and SICK and MENTALLY ILL are in the count too!
Gov. Mike Rounds (R) signed the bill into law in March, declaring that the unborn are "the most helpless persons in our society."

i disagree with this statement, because the unborn are not in our ''society'' yet....

the BORN babies of unwed mothers, are the most vulnerable/helpless persons in our society, the POOR and SICK and MENTALLY ILL are in the count too!

thats why plan b being made OTC is like the best thing ever.
The first paragraph in this news article tells us how we ended up with the no-exceptions abortion ban in S. Dakota. Kayla Brandt had an abortion three years ago and instantly hated having done it. She then made it her personal crusade to ensure that no other woman made the "bad choice" she felt she had made.

This is personal responsibility? I made what I perceive to be a bad choice, and it's not my fault, but rather, it's the fault of our legal system because they gave me the choice in the first place? Now that choice must be taken away. Less freedom, no choice, no responsibility.

Wow, what a role model our little Kayla is.

S. Dakota Becomes Abortion Focal Point
Voters to Decide Fate of State Ban

By Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 28, 2006; A01

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. -- Kayla Brandt had an abortion three years ago and instantly hated having done it. Now, hoping to stop other women from making the same choice, she is a public advocate for the most severe abortion ban in the nation.
"I don't want anyone to feel what I did," Brandt says.

Remember that lady back in the early 1990s who was the head of some prominent "right to life" group, and some muck raking journalists found out she had had like two abortions WHILE she was preaching the pro-life propaganda?
Remember that lady back in the early 1990s who was the head of some prominent "right to life" group, and some muck raking journalists found out she had had like two abortions WHILE she was preaching the pro-life propaganda?
Link us up. Good hypocrisy is hard to come by...
Link us up. Good hypocrisy is hard to come by...

It was that crazy blonde woman, who was Paula Jones "spokesperson" - Susan Carpeter-MacMillan:

In 1980, she joined the antiabortion movement, rising to become the top media representative of the Right to Life League of Southern California. She drew national attention with her crusade to force Loma Linda University Medical Center to provide a heart transplant to a dying newborn known as Baby Jesse. But seven years ago, Carpenter-McMillan formally left the movement – because, she says today, it was dominated by "misogynists who don't care about women" and "crazies who murder doctors." Coincidentally, her departure came shortly after the Los Angeles Times reported that she herself had undergone an abortion as a 21-year-old unmarried college student.
It doesn't say it happened while she was working against it. It says it happened when she was 21.

Many people who feel guilt over an abortion become anti-abortion law advocates...
It doesn't say it happened while she was working against it. It says it happened when she was 21.

Many people who feel guilt over an abortion become anti-abortion law advocates...

I said it was from the early 1990s. I was trying to recall something from 15 years ago. Its possible, that she was "pro-choice" when she had the abortion, and then for some odd reason kept it quiet until the LA times published it.
I said it was from the early 1990s. I was trying to recall something from 15 years ago. Its possible, that she was "pro-choice" when she had the abortion, and then for some odd reason kept it quiet until the LA times published it.
Yeah, usually those girls that have them then feel that guilt are pretty honest from the get-go. If she had been trying to hide it, it would pretty much end her "career"...

I don't advocate this kind of idiocy anyway. There are far better ways to educate people than that.
Wow! I guess admitting to one's mistakes is a crime among liberals. It's okay if you make mistakes just don't admit to it especially if you do something they support and later admit that it was wrong.

Remember that lady back in the early 1990s who was the head of some prominent "right to life" group, and some muck raking journalists found out she had had like two abortions WHILE she was preaching the pro-life propaganda?

No! Wow, even I'm surprised at that, and I'm pretty cynical about these kinds of activists.
Yeah. And I guess if a drug addict tells you not to drugs, that renders the advice meaningless. You people are semi-retarded, seriously.
No, but if the drug addict then joins the idiotic Jihad on Drugs, advocating the criminalization of the behavior of which he doesn't approve, then his actions are no longer merely giving advice.

You people are morally retarded, seriously.
No, but if the drug addict then joins the idiotic Jihad on Drugs, advocating the criminalization of the behavior of which he doesn't approve, then his actions are no longer merely giving advice.

You people are morally retarded, seriously.

Ornot.. I believe the point he was making is right on... a few people in this thread gave the impression that people who have a histroy of questionable behavior are not worthy of giving advice. I do not concur... in fact I believe those who have cleaned up their act are in a perfect position to counsel others and share life experiences with those who may be going through similar trials and tribulations.

As far as the War on Drugs ... I beleive you will find as many if not more on the right who have a libertarian view with Drug Decriminalization when compared to those on the left.

So please...spare me the moral hypocrisy.....