Pet food contamination deliberate?

I was reading about this, the contaminant was added to boost the protein level the tests showed. Aka cheating ......At least this is my take at this point.
I was reading about this, the contaminant was added to boost the protein level the tests showed. Aka cheating ......At least this is my take at this point.

Yah, that's what they said. Not that the protein content was actually raised, but the melamine (contaminant) reads on the testing equipment at the same points (frequency, e.g.) as the protein does; in other words it was blatant cheating. The article suggested that it was fueled by simple greed, nothing else.

I wonder if such incidents as this, a breakdown in the reliability those things we tend to take for granted, both in terms of our personal safety and in the safety and quality of products that we buy, might eventually lead us to become more self-sufficient, because we can no longer trust what comes from unknown, unidentified sources. Or am I just rambling on a Friday afternoon?
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