PETA Membership composition


Villified User
I wonder about the membership makeup of PETA members. I don't figure there are too many people in there that grew up on farms, mostly city folks I suspect....
I have no idea. Peta folks can be just as zealous as islamofascists and christofacists though.
worse LadyT, neither of those groups wanted to make it illegal for me to drink Cows milk.

Its interesting. Extremes of all of those groups can be overbearing, violent, judgemental and want to force you into thinking that their belief system is superior to yours. It just highlights that religion isn't the problem its those individual who want to force it down your throats that cause a lot of the problems in the world.
scince is a tool that is also abused in the same way

No, Science is the enemy of Religion it topples their temples.
Science is the search for truth and understanding of the truth. Religion is clearly the continuation of unprovable faith based beliefs.
No, Science is the enemy of Religion it topples their temples.
Science is the search for truth and understanding of the truth. Religion is clearly the continuation of unprovable faith based beliefs.

well, scince, can be abused and used biasly... look at the globalwarming debate... look at how al gore missuses scince... just as bad if not worse then religion, atleast religion is based on belife... scince is based on fact
No, Science is the enemy of Religion it topples their temples.
Science is the search for truth and understanding of the truth. Religion is clearly the continuation of unprovable faith based beliefs.

and just because one is the oppisite of the other dosnt mean that it is absoulute
No it is not absolute, just absolute as we understand the facts at this point. and we sure don't understand how everything works yet.

the global warming controversy illustrates that point perfectly, we do not yet fully understand how our earth works and what our impact on it's working is.
But because we do not yet fully understand it is that reason enough to ignore it ?
"Its interesting. Extremes of all of those groups can be overbearing, violent, judgemental and want to force you into thinking that their belief system is superior to yours. It just highlights that religion isn't the problem its those individual who want to force it down your throats that cause a lot of the problems in the world."

well, scince, can be abused and used biasly... look at the globalwarming debate... look at how al gore missuses scince... just as bad if not worse then religion, atleast religion is based on belife... scince is based on fact

And what, pray tell, did you specifically find "biased" or what did he do in the film that you felt was a misrepresentation of the facts?
WAIT a minute... did someone actually WATCH that propaganda piece? If someone did AND stayed awake through Al Bores lecture... I am truly impressed.
And what, pray tell, did you specifically find "biased" or what did he do in the film that you felt was a misrepresentation of the facts?

i havent seen his movie... i have it.. and plan on it... just havent had the time.

but anyway... he used only the scince that would fit his idea on what is happening, like the facts that were uncoverd from icecores... gore would only the facts that tend to agree that we are the major cause...
I did not rent it, most or part of it was on LInkTV or PBS one I forget which.
I sure was not going to rent or buy it :)
i havent seen his movie... i have it.. and plan on it... just havent had the time.

but anyway... he used only the scince that would fit his idea on what is happening, like the facts that were uncoverd from icecores... gore would only the facts that tend to agree that we are the major cause...
I was watching a scientist from Australia who made a larger, and time-accurate, graph on the comparison to warming and CO2 and it shows that CO2 rises AFTER the warming and the connection is spurious at best.

It's like saying that Lung Cancer causes smoking....
I was watching a scientist from Australia who made a larger, and time-accurate, graph on the comparison to warming and CO2 and it shows that CO2 rises AFTER the warming and the connection is spurious at best.

It's like saying that Lung Cancer causes smoking....

thats right on.... the biggest scourse od CO is the ocaen, water vapor... so yes as the climet get warmer, the more CO is produced.

thats just like the hole in the ozone over antartica... most people think that humans are a fault, but in reality its a seasonal ocurrance. it opens up every year around the same time.