Peter and Paul


Worst gambler ever
When you are taking from Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.

Herein lies out Federal Economic mess.
Yes and that is the problem. Some tend to oversimplify what we face.

Uhm, you would be the wrong person to do the chastising about oversimplification. It's kinda become your trademark here.

Once in a blue moon, Beefhead actually becomes motivated enough to type something worthwhile and make a valid point. In that respect, he runs circles around most of you pinheads, who wouldn't know how to type something worthwhile or make a valid point, if your life depended on it.

Now, I realize he may have simplified his point... It was nowhere near as complex and finely detailed as Waterhead's remarks about conservatives. But he makes a very valid point, nonetheless.

Although, I have to wonder, what exactly was he expecting? Beefy, and others like him, remain mired in their individual ideologies, to the point of not being able to comprehend the Big Picture. Instead of choosing to counter the left-wing radical ideologies he deplores, he chooses to sit on the irrelevant sidelines of politics, and support a party with 2% support. It's principle, mind you, but that is the case.

Every now and then, the Beefhead's of the world will murmur something intelligent... Like, "when you are taking from Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul." But when you sit on your ass, resting on your principles, and allow Socialists to be elected to supermajority power in Washington, what do you expect? Duh?
Uscitizen has a black heart. He knows we are headed to totalitarianism, but he';s for it now, to punish all the people who didn't "listen to him" in his life. He used to be a decent guy, but has turned vindictive and cruel in his senility.
Uhm, you would be the wrong person to do the chastising about oversimplification. It's kinda become your trademark here.

Once in a blue moon, Beefhead actually becomes motivated enough to type something worthwhile and make a valid point. In that respect, he runs circles around most of you pinheads, who wouldn't know how to type something worthwhile or make a valid point, if your life depended on it.

Now, I realize he may have simplified his point... It was nowhere near as complex and finely detailed as Waterhead's remarks about conservatives. But he makes a very valid point, nonetheless.

Although, I have to wonder, what exactly was he expecting? Beefy, and others like him, remain mired in their individual ideologies, to the point of not being able to comprehend the Big Picture. Instead of choosing to counter the left-wing radical ideologies he deplores, he chooses to sit on the irrelevant sidelines of politics, and support a party with 2% support. It's principle, mind you, but that is the case.

Every now and then, the Beefhead's of the world will murmur something intelligent... Like, "when you are taking from Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul." But when you sit on your ass, resting on your principles, and allow Socialists to be elected to supermajority power in Washington, what do you expect? Duh?

:clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink:

Keep em comin dix!
The source of the federal economic mess is the mental illness known as "conservatism".

serioulsy, why do you make such silly comments like this? you're a smart guy and seem very knowledgeable on economic matters so i know you know that this comment is simply not true.
I don't think people our age and what we have seen over the years oversimplify anything. We have lived it.
It is hard to get over ones wrinkly self when one is so fabulous!

Bullshit is all one can give you my dear!!!! Take it with the love it is given!

Or I will bitch slap you.
I am a universal one-size fits all cum bucket.

Spit on me when you leave.

If the oligarchy is multiethnic, and the slavewares are marked "green friendly" it will seem safe enough.
I have known too many badAss's and they are just all milky way deep inside.

I've always loved this picture.