Peter Boghossian on Woke Ideology: ‘A Recipe for Cultural Suicide’;


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Peter Boghossian on Woke Ideology: ‘A Recipe for Cultural Suicide’; Case for Defunding Universities

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“We can’t just keep funding people who are playing in make-believe-land, cranking out information to inform public policy that’s completely divorced from reality. It’s a recipe for cultural suicide,” says Peter Boghossian, assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University and co-author of “How to Have Impossible Conversations.” A lifelong liberal and critic of former President Trump, Boghossian believes describing people as left or right is losing utility. It’s those who demand you think a certain way who are on one side, while those who do not are on the other. “We are facing an extraordinarily intolerant dangerous ideology, perpetuated by people who want to rob us of our cognitive liberty,” he says.