Petition against three's signature


1. It's fucking huge. You wouldn't ever allow me to post text that large, and yet you let him take up half the page with porn.

2. Everyone who looks over our shoulder thinks we're looking at softcore porn. I know you can turn signatures off, but it's truly annoying to have to turn off all signatures just because of one bad citizen in particular.

3. Seeing three talk about sex or display sexual images makes me want to vomit.
ive already adblocked the images. I'll talk to the ultimate god of the universe and JPP for a strategy of slaughter and 3d containment
If you want to keep signatures on but find Three's images to be too much, you can individually block it if you use firefox and the addon adblock plus:

Once you install it you can right click on an image and click "adblock plus: block image..." and it will bring up a dialogue which allows you to block it.
U can also block the images under user CP options / display options I think. You can block signatures and iamges. I did both and it covered it.
You know, its about damn time I got a thread made about me! You people need to show a little more respect.

Anyway, I am going to cook something up and see what I can do about toning down the signiture. I think I saw some cute chicks in mini-skirts floating around somewhere...
I find it amusing that Grind responds to the complaint about the size of photos in signatures with a post containing a photo the same size in his signature......
1. It's fucking huge. You wouldn't ever allow me to post text that large, and yet you let him take up half the page with porn.

2. Everyone who looks over our shoulder thinks we're looking at softcore porn. I know you can turn signatures off, but it's truly annoying to have to turn off all signatures just because of one bad citizen in particular.

3. Seeing three talk about sex or display sexual images makes me want to vomit.
Item #2, particularly when I"m at work, is my concern. Other then that I wouldn't care.
I find it amusing that Grind responds to the complaint about the size of photos in signatures with a post containing a photo the same size in his signature......

A) no where near as big
B) the real issue isn't so much the size, as it is that damos wife thinks he's on porn sites O_O