Phelps Loses His Lawsuit 10.9 Million to family of Fallen Marine...


Staff member
Phelps lost his lawsuit, I heard it reported by ABC on the way home tonight.

I've been searching for a written story and will link it as soon as I find it.
Wow, sorry. It was 10.9!

Church ordered to pay $10.9 million for funeral protest

(CNN) -- A federal jury in Baltimore, Maryland, Wednesday awarded $10.9 million to a father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by members of a fundamentalist church carrying signs blaming soldiers' deaths on America's tolerance of homosexuals.

The family of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder -- who was killed in a vehicle accident in Iraq's Anbar province in 2006 -- sued the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, and its leaders for defamation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Church members showed up at Snyder's funeral chanting derogatory slogans and holding picket signs with messages including "God Hates Fags."

They've picketed the funerals of dozens of troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, claiming that God is punishing the United States because of its tolerance for homosexuality.

More at link...
I hope this Marine's father owns the church and opens a Gay Bar in it.

Amen. I know a lot of people from Topeka that are cheering this result. They friggin cannot stand that church and would be more than happy to see it shut down. David Koresh had more sane followers than the members of that church.
It's pretty obvious the bloke's an arse but isn't this just going to be overturned on appeal, eventually?
10.9M for protesting a funeral? as much as i hate them it does seem excessive, its interesting that there was no real outcry of them protesting gay people who died of AIDS the only real outcry is b/c they are soldiers.

The shepards would be lucky to get 100 dollars if they sued.
10.9M for protesting a funeral? as much as i hate them it does seem excessive, its interesting that there was no real outcry of them protesting gay people who died of AIDS the only real outcry is b/c they are soldiers.

The shepards would be lucky to get 100 dollars if they sued.
I'd love to see them try at least.
it was kind of ok for them to protest gay funerals, b/c most of american kinda has that mindset, so no one was really upset, it was only the funerals of soldiers where the issue came up, and im sure the statute of limitations has expired on the shepards.

but now that its soldiers its woah, put the brakes on shit, and passing laws etc

I kinda think they should be able to do that if they choose, they are not actually at the funeral but usually have their pickets down the road or whatever.
I read yesterday that there is federal legislation prohibiting such protests at federal cemeteries, and that several states have enacted similar legislation at private funerals. Good beginning and I like Damo's suggestion about opening a gay bar in what hopefully will be their former church. How fitting! :D