Phlogiston Rides Again


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Al Gore got his ludicrous scientific consensus from phlogiston theory. The following excerpt from a piece by Robert Tracinski’s gives a brief history:

In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, in the early years of the science of chemistry, many serious scientists accepted phlogiston theory. This was an attempt to explain the chemical processes of combustion, oxidation, and metabolism by inferring the existence of a substance call "phlogiston." This theory was wrong, but it was not a totally crazy invention; it simply came too early, before scientists had sufficient evidence to prove a theory of combustion. Phlogiston was only superseded when the great chemist Lavoisier identified oxygen as the substance that is actually responsible for combustion, a discovery that helped pave the way for the development of modern chemistry.

This next excerpt is beautiful in its simplicity in relation to today’s global warming scam:

But imagine: what would have happened if the government had come along and pumped the equivalent of billions of dollars into phlogiston research? What if phlogiston had become a social cause, promoted by political leaders, touted by famous actors, defended by the culture's best writers? What if those who raised objections to the theory were vilified as "phlogiston deniers" and had to worry about losing funding for their research?

Yet that is precisely how today's scientific, political, and cultural establishment is approaching the nascent science of climatology.

The questions posed by Mr. Tracinski are not that difficult to answer. As a matter of self-preservation a phlogiston bureaucracy feeding on tax dollars would have quickly acquired enough authority to get away with manufacturing scientific “facts” as well as accumulating the muscle to silence critics. Does that sound familiar?

Assuming that phlogiston theory would have eventually been disproved by:


the phlogiston parasites would have been so entrenched in France’s public trough they would be there in perpetuity. It is easier for real scientists to cure all of the diseases known to man than it is for scientific truth to drive one parasite away from the public trough.

NOTE: In today’s America plagued by bureaucratic tyranny, how much simpler it is for those with a vested interest in big government to write and enforce regulations than it is to get an oppressive law enacted? I do not know about you but I have never voted for a bureaucrat, nor have I ever heard a proposed regulation debated by an informed public before it was implemented by bureaucrats.

The members of Congress plaster sorrowful expressions on their faces every time they admit to failing in their oversight responsibilities —— which happens every other week. So with all of Congress’ oversight failures, and with bureaucrats and judges making the laws these days just how do our elected sad sacks spend their time? Between unelected bureaucrats and bossy judges it is getting mighty hard to locate individual liberties.

The final excerpt reminds us that the founder of modern chemistry lost his head:

During the Reign of Terror, the French government sent Lavoisier to the guillotine because of his connections to the old aristocratic regime. That is one of history's great crimes against science -- but it probably did less damage than our government has caused by killing climatology with the false kindness of politically motivated research funding.

April 12, 2007
Is Climatology a Science?
By Robert Tracinski

I suspect that Lavoisier incurred the wrath of phlogiston’s true believers, just as today’s COVID-19 parasite priesthood would behead all who speak out against a non-existent pandemic.

The way it stands now there is zero chance that coronavirus parasites will be driven away from the public feed tub anytime soon. Worse still, Congress’ alliance with the U.N. was an invitation to foreign parasites to join their American counterparts at the tax tub.

It is hardly a mystery as to why the parasite movement is so relentless when you count the number of parasites in higher education pumping out endless graduates with degrees in this, that, and the other. I think Al Gore invented a degree in so-call climatology that quickly became a job requirement for weathermen and buxom weatherwomen.

Dr. Fraud gets credit for establishing a Parasite Pandemic master’s degree.

If you read Jon Rappoport’s article you will see that phlogiston theorists are just as deeply imbedded in media than they are in every federal bureaucracy —— and for the same reason ----- TAX DOLLARS.

In this article, I continue to trace the implications of the missing virus; I’m referring to the fact the no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists.

Here I take a wider look at the situation.

Apparently, the notion of a virus was born when germ theorists ran out of bacteria to explain illnesses. So they claimed there had to be a smaller invisible particle, which came to be called “virus.”

Since that fateful choice, researchers have encountered various problems. Chief among them: how do you to prove, in specific instances, that these viruses exist and cause illness?

Flashing forward—-two modern avenues of proof have been invented. One, twist and reverse the meaning of “isolation.” And two, sequence the genetic structure of viruses by using pre-set computer programs to build, out of thin air, without justification, collections of genetic information, ending up with nothing more than virtual entities.

In past articles, I’ve analyzed and rejected both avenues of “research.”

In the first case, there is the unjustified presumption that the virus is contained in a soup in a dish in a lab, and this is called “isolation,” when it is actually non-isolation. In the second case, there is no true sequencing. It’s all made up out of unmerited supposition and guesswork.

However, 99.9% of mainstream scientists are true believers in their own methods and fabrications. They actually accept what they’re doing as science.

Therefore, in virology labs all over the world—-including bio-weapons facilities—-THE RESEARCHERS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY’RE DOING. THEY DON’T KNOW HOW FAR FROM REALITY THEY ACTUALLY ARE.


They’re taken in and fooled and bamboozled by their own theories.

It’s as if explorers tasked with mapping the moon, on site, up close and personal, are carrying out their jobs in underground coal mines. And they don’t recognize there is a problem.

The tenth of one percent of the researchers who do see a problem understand they have to keep their mouths shut.

Am I claiming, with finality, that ALL “viruses” have no physical existence? No. At least, not yet. That’s an open question.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, I see no legitimate evidence for its existence.

And what’s worse, scientists are hypnotized by their own assumptions; and therefore, they’re immune from re-thinking what they’re doing.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a system trapped the practitioners working inside it.

It’s how you train humans to be robots.

At first, the humans follow the rules that define the system. Then they graduate to enforcing the rules. Their minds become excessively literal. They view alternatives as heresies.

“Sir, you have no idea what you’re doing. You think you’re discovering new viruses. You think you’re manipulating them to create new forms.”

“Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”

“You’re saying non-isolation is isolation. You’re using algorithms to invent ‘viruses’ made up of irrelevant data. They’re data constructs, nothing more.”

“You’re a blasphemer. Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”

“You’re fiddling with processes that have nothing to do with what you think they have to do with…”

“How did you get into my lab?”

“I brought a camera crew. We want to film and document every single step you take to ‘discover a new virus’.”

“Absolutely not. You’re not official. This is a high-security facility.”

“In other words, sight unseen, we have to accept your claims as if they were law.”

“Yes, that’s the rule. We’re not running a debating society. We’re doing science.”

“But you see, that’s the point. You’re NOT doing science.”

“What are you saying?”

“You have no idea what you’re doing. You THINK you’re discovering new viruses. You BELIEVE you’re manipulating them. But you’re only working with self-generated fantasies.”

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll inject you with one of these fantasies and let’s see what happens.”

“You don’t possess an actual specimen of an isolated and purified virus, separated from all other material.”

“Here it is, in this dish.”

“No. LOOK AT IT. In that dish, there’s a soup. It contains human and monkey cells, toxic drugs and chemicals, and other genetic material. It’s the furthest thing from ‘isolated’.”

“We know the virus is there. Some of the cells are dying. The virus must be doing the killing.”

“No. The toxic drugs and chemicals could be doing the killing. Furthermore, the cells are being starved of nutrients. That alone can explain their death. Think it through.”

“There’s nothing to think about. Our procedures have been verified by thousands of studies and published scientific papers.”

“Consensus is not the same thing as truth.”

“Security, come to the lab. We have a non-certified intruder. Escort him from the premises.”

“That’s your bottom line?”

“Our work is classified. You’re a civilian. We pronounce; you obey.”

“And that’s science?”

“Absolutely. Didn’t they teach you that in school?”

“YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE DOING IN THIS LAB. You’re a prisoner of your own illusions.”

“Security, hurry it up. This man is a subversive…”

“Suppose you believe you’re working with viruses, but you’re only working with IDEAS AND STORIES ABOUT VIRUSES?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not really isolating anything. And you’re not sequencing anything. The sequences are just INFORMATION cobbled together from genetic reference libraries by computer programs. It’s all, at best, a digital metaphor for what you believe exists. You’re generating fairy tales.”

“Even if that were true, it would be the closest we could come to reality. Nothing is perfect.”

“A rock is perfect. You see it, you kick it, you sit on it.”

“Viruses are very small.”

“Even more reason to be sure you’re dealing with something actual.”

“We use PCR technology.”

“But it only looks for a piece of RNA you ASSUME comes from ‘the virus’. Since you don’t have an isolated and purified virus, you have no reason to assume the RNA comes from ‘the virus’.”

“Security, take this man to his car. Take the film crew with him. They have no right to be here. This is a government-funded facility. Private citizens have no access to government.”

CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER: “Actually, I’d like to hear the rest of the conversation. My sister just took the vaccine to protect her against ‘the virus’, and now she’s in the hospital…”

(The link to this article posted on my blog is here—with sources.)

The non-existent virus: it undercuts all other stories
By Jon Rappoport
February 1, 2021
If you read Jon Rappoport’s article you will see that phlogiston theorists are just as deeply imbedded in media than they are in every federal bureaucracy —— and for the same reason ----- TAX DOLLARS.

Anyone that believes the crap the Parasite Class is spreading around had better think twice before they let that scum inject them with anything:

Vaccine or no vaccine?” that is the question. It has been approved for emergency use and is being rolled out across the world. The Big Tech entrepreneurs, our Democrat leaders, the media, scientists, and doctors all say we should get in line and roll up our sleeves.

That alone should give us pause because these same leaders have betrayed our trust.

The big tech entrepreneurs were supposed to provide a good service at a fair price, and we find they have a hidden social agenda. We now see that our political leaders are only interested in power and making money for themselves. Our judges, who are supposed to step in and give impartial rulings when power is abused, were completely silent. And the news media are blatantly lying.

Blatant case of media censorship

Worst of all, the people we rely on to protect our very lives - our scientists and doctors - seem to be as corrupt as the rest. When we first learned of the Wuhan Virus, we looked to them to tell us what was going on and what to do. We were told that all we needed to do was stay home for a couple of weeks and it would be all over. That was 323 days ago.

Our President listened to the doctors and scientists and began an unprecedented campaign to fight the virus and save lives at all costs. They told him we had a ventilator shortage so he used emergency powers to get them manufactured. After the first fifteen days, they said we needed to continue the lockdown, so he approved it. They said we needed vaccines, so he eliminated red tape and spent billions to produce them in record time.

Whenever the scientists and doctors changed their minds, President Trump weighed their arguments and went along. When he learned about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other effective treatments that dramatically improved survivability, Big Pharma, the scientists and the Democrats screamed like scalded cats. An inexpensive drug that had been used safely billions of times for over sixty years was suddenly branded as dangerous and pulled off the market. Physicians wanting to prescribe HCQ were threatened, blacklisted and fired.

This was our first blatant case of media censorship. The video of “America’s Front Line Doctors” (AFLDs) on the steps of the Supreme Court got over 20 million views until it was completely scrubbed from the Internet. Every participating doctor was vilified and many were fired from their jobs, simply for suggesting there might be a way to save hundreds of thousands of lives.

In our former world, we would have listened to what these doctors said and looked into their recommendations. We would have done proper scientific studies and let the results determine our next steps. Instead President Trump’s tweets about HCQ were slapped with warning labels and then deleted. “Studies” were quickly trotted out showing that HCQ was unsafe and didn’t help with COVID.

The fact that these studies were quickly debunked and had to be retracted was ignored. Scientific studies by the respected Henry Ford Medical Center and others showing its effectiveness were ignored.

Should we be rolling up our sleeves for the shot?

The question is “Why?” Could it be as simple as the fact that the vaccines that were being rushed into production can only be given “Emergency Use” status if there were no other effective treatments available?

Were these gross violations of free speech and an abandonment of the scientific method simply so big Pharma could get an economic windfall? If there are effective treatments including HCQ, that means that hundreds of thousands of Americans, and more across the world, have died needlessly, and our economy has been destroyed for no reason

Should we be rolling up our sleeves for the shot?

The rules for safety in a vaccine must be more stringent than a treatment for one simple reason – a bad reaction to a treatment might impact a million patients, but a bad reaction to a vaccine might impact 350 million.

For that one reason, for a disease with such low lethality, the emphasis should be on isolating those most at risk while finding effective treatment regimens, especially since recovered patients are considered to be immune to the virus thereafter.

In a recent speech by one of the original Front Line Doctors, Dr. Simone Gold shared their scientific studies and practical concerns about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. Once again, the long knives came out and she was vilified. It is widely reported that she participated in the “Capitol Hill Riot.”

Yes, she was there – to give a speech about her concerns with the vaccine. Yes, she went into the building and gave another impromptu speech. But there is no reason to believe that she was there to do harm, she was trying to bring attention to hundreds of thousands of needless deaths.

Everyone who attended the peaceful protest is being branded as “radical, racist, and violent rioter.” Their online lives are being erased and many have lost their jobs and their businesses. This means that anything Dr. Gold has to say can be ignored as the rantings of a right-wing radical.

Dr. Gold’: “The truth about the CV 19 vaccine”

But facts are stubborn things, and when our entire country is at risk, we need to look at them, regardless of the speaker.

Dr. Gold’s speech, “The truth about the CV 19 vaccine,” can be found here. Some key points are summarized below, click the links to see that part of her presentation.

1:30 Government agencies have been lying to the public and the NIH says there’s no treatment for COVID.

2:40 Senate testimony stated that most COVID deaths were preventable.

3:30 There is a history of COVID disinformation, including the name of the virus.

4:50 HCQ has been suppressed as a treatment.

14:00 A history of Dr. Gold’s efforts to get HCQ to the public.

AFLDs has set up a system where tele-medicine doctors can prescribe it for you. Link here.

16:48 Survival rates for COVID with no treatment…

● Under 20 – 99.997%.
● 20-49 – 99.98%
● 50-69 – 99.5%
● over 70 – near 95%.
● With simple treatment, the rates are better.

The people who die are mostly at the end of their lives.

21:00 The Lancet Journal study about the harmful effects of HCQ was retracted.

23:00 The vaccines are in the “experimental-investigational stage.” They use new, unproven MRNA technology.

Previous coronavirus SARS-COV1 vaccines have failed.

25:40 One possible serious complication is “Antibody dependent enhancement” and may cause vaccine recipients’ immune systems to overreact when exposed to the virus.

Potential fertility problems haven’t been investigated.

Pharmaceutical companies have been given immunity for all liability.

31:20 There is no proof that the vaccine stops virus transmission. reduces mortality or how long it lasts. It might make people who took the vaccine test positive for C19.

There are serious national security implications of giving an unproven vaccine to millions of healthy people that may cause sudden death, especially to doctors, nurses and military.

43:55 There are no racial differences in mortality, instead it is based on prior health conditions and crowding. Africa has the lowest mortality of all.

AFLDs official recommendations…

Under 20 - “Because of fertility concerns, low risk from the disease and unknown risks from the vaccine, accepting the vaccine is “prohibited.”

20-70 and healthy - “Strongly discouraged.”

50-70 with pre-existing conditions - “Discouraged” because the vaccine may be more dangerous than COVID when given proper early treatment.

For healthy people 70 and above, and for people with pre-existing conditions in nursing homes. - “Use your discretion.”

51:00 AFLDs plans to fight vaccine mandates not just from governments, but from employers, schools, and travel – particularly airlines. They plan to talk with the airline CEOs and present them with a petition with a million signatures saying they will not do business with any company that mandates vaccines.

A group at did a fact check on her speech.

Their conclusions were as follows…

● Hydroxychloroquine is a safe drug. TRUE
● Hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating and preventing SARS-CoV-2. POSSIBLY TRUE
● COVID-19 vaccines are in an investigational stage and are “experimental biological agents.” TRUE
● Antibody Dependent Enhancement can make COVID-19 worse in patients. FALSE, NO PROOF YET.
● The vaccine manufacturers are immune from all liability of any adverse side effects from use of COVID-19 vaccines. TRUE
● The COVID-19 Vaccine may cause fertility problems. UNKNOWN
● There is no proof that the COVID-19 vaccines stop transmission of the virus. TRUE

So what are we to conclude about taking the vaccine?

It’s clear that the vaccines are unproven, new technology. Any single one of the dangers that Dr. Gold is considering is enough to cause a rational person under 70 to say “Not now.” People should check with their doctor and see what kind of treatments are available if they were to contract the disease, and if they don’t get a satisfactory answer, find another doctor!

If you’re over 70 and have significant health conditions, use your discretion.

The real question may be even more important. “Why are the vaccines being forced on the American public?” We see publicity campaigns designed to both frighten and threaten Americans. Can we trust our lives to the motives of our government leaders and the pharmaceutical industries?

We now hear that there are new strains of the virus and we’re not sure if the current vaccines would be effective. We also don’t know how long the vaccines would work or how often we would need to take them.

Ask yourself, “If the worst was true, and the vaccines caused either sterility in women, or sudden death from an overstimulated immune system, what would happen to our country?” We would lose many of our first responders and military, and many of our citizens would become sterile. It makes no sense to choose an unproven vaccine over a simple malaria drug (and other treatments) that have shown many positive results.

A petition is being circulated by AFLDs to demand that the vaccines not be made mandatory or a condition for employment or airline travel and signers pledge to “actively blacklist and boycott any business, employer, or school that mandates or otherwise attempts to force a vaccine.”

Go to the petition here.

Treatment or Mandatory Vaccine? – the Battle Over Covid 19
By Jack Gleason
February 3, 2021
Anyone that believes the crap the Parasite Class is spreading around had better think twice before they let that scum inject them with anything:

This is why:

COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know about side effects and risks
by Cassidy Morrison, Healthcare Reporter
February 08, 2021 06:37 AM