Photograpic evidence that Mott is retarded


Uwaa OmO

It's irrefutable at this point.

It's irrefutable at this point.
Translation. We want incompetent and ineffective government and we want it now!

You can spout the glories and the wonders of Libertarianism all you want. Until you #1 Demonstrate that it can actually work and #2 Show you have more leadership potential than Fredo Corleone, you're never gonna get the opportunity to prove #1. :p

Whats really retarded is people who talk about how great something is that they can't even do. LOL

He still tries to say he used to be a republican.
I don't try to say it. I do say it. I was a card carrying Republican from 1979 till 1996. I was a member of the Mercer County (Ohio) Young Republicans from 1981 to 1986 (Actually sat and had beers at a meet and greet with John Boehner in Celina, the guys actually pretty witty.). I was also a volunteer for Deborah Pryce in her congressional campaigins in 92 and 94. I doubt Pryce could get elected in a Republican primary today, shes far to liberal by current standards. My alienation with Republicans began with the 1996 Lewinsky scandal and then Clintons impeachment which I beleive was not in the nations best interest (You dont' shut the nations government down on partisan politics) and greatly eroded when I moved to the south in 1997. (Talk about a bunch of freakin Nazi's! That probably did more than anything to alienate me from the Republican party. In most ways that count I hold myself as being superior to southern social conservatives.) and the transformation became complete when that moron Bush invaded Iraq in 2003. That bonehead move was the straw that broke the Camels back though technically I didn't change my registraton to Democrat till 2004. 2000 was the first time I voted for a Democratic presidential Candidate (I voted for McCain in the 2000 primaries and I'd voted for damn precious few Democrats before then ever). The Advent of right wing talk radio/TV in the early 90's didn't help either as I was appaled at the baser aspects of human nature they were appealing to and that certain conservative media outlets (Fox News in particular) adopted the Goebbels propaganda model (No Damo, I'm not calling them Nazi's. I'm saying they have affectively used Goebbels propaganda methods) just simply grossed me out.

As for as today's Republican party is concerned I could care less about Libertarains. They talk a good line on message boards AND THAT'S ALL THEY DO!". There inefective, impotant and lack both leadership skills and the ability to build affective coalitions. Not only that their base philosophy is both niave and unworkable and is pretty much in the realm of academic mental masturbation. So I don't give Libertarians to much thought. Why should I?

The far right wing of the party I'm far more concerned about. They have dominated the Republican party in recent years and I obvously do not share their values. It's just as obvious that us Rockefeller Republicans have lost ascendency in the party thanks to the Southern Strategy. So I did the inevitable. I became a blue dog Democrat. I've always been a liberal on social issues (social conservatism has lost the trial of history so I see it as pointless being a social conservative) and right of center on economic issues and I've always had deep concerns about the social welfare state. So far it's a more comfortable fit then the current right wing dominated Republican party has been.
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Hey I just finished reading the shortest book in the world. It's called "Significant Accomplishments by The Libertarian Party" :)
>Thinking Libertarians are ONLY found in the Libertarian Party
>I seriously hope you guys don't do that.
At the Federal level, I am essentially a libertarian; at the State level, however, I am a liberal. The States with the smallest governments are typically the worst places to live when it comes to standard of living, education, and healthcare. It is no wonder why States such as Massachusetts, New York, and my home State of Washington are leaps and bounds ahead of Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas in these categories. Furthermore, as mankind is naturally selfish, the truly unfortunate (e.g. disabled) would not be taken care of under pure libertarianism.
At the Federal level, I am essentially a libertarian; at the State level, however, I am a liberal. The States with the smallest governments are typically the worst places to live when it comes to standard of living, education, and healthcare. It is no wonder why States such as Massachusetts, New York, and my home State of Washington are leaps and bounds ahead of Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas in these categories. Furthermore, as mankind is naturally selfish, the truly unfortunate (e.g. disabled) would not be taken care of under pure libertarianism.
It used to be Brent that the Republcan party was far more responsible and compassionate then they are now and they were the party of responsible and competant government. In the late 60's and through most of the 70's it was the Democrats who were dominated by the extremes and the Republicans who were the moderating influence. that changed with Nixon, although Nixon was indeed a political moderate (and a criminal) his wholesale adoption of the Southern Strategy put the Republican party into the course that has lead to it currently being dominated by right wing extremist, southern social conservatives and Wall Street plutocrats. Now it's flipped 180 degrees and Democrats have become the moderating influence adn the party of competant and responsible government and Republicans have become the party of extremes.
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It used to be Brent that the Republcan party was far more responsible and compassionate then they are now and they were the party of responsible and competant government. In the late 60's and through most of the 70's it was the Democrats who were dominated by the extremes and the Republicans who were the moderating influence. that changed with Nixon, although Nixon was indeed a political moderate (and a criminal) his wholesale adoption of the Southern Strategy put the Republican party into the course that has lead to it currently being dominated by right wing extremist, southern social conservatives and Wall Street plutocrats. Now it's flipped 180 degrees and Democrats have become the moderating influence adn the party of competant and responsible government and Republicans have become the party of extremes.

You had me up until you said Democrats are a moderating force / the party of responsible government. How is adding $5 Trillion to the national debt in a few years responsible?

The fact is, both parties are fucked up beyond hope.
You had me up until you said Democrats are a moderating force / the party of responsible government. How is adding $5 Trillion to the national debt in a few years responsible?

The fact is, both parties are fucked up beyond hope.

And thus you will join your Librtarians brothers. It is our duty to convert the proles.