Physics can't deal with reality's complexity


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"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."
Now that the WOKE religion has hijacked STEM at the failed universities the situation will certainly not improve.
anyone promoting 'more than two genders' and bullshit like 'men have periods/men can get pregnant/women can have penis's' has zero fucking business talking about science.
"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."

What is physics? Studying the combined motions of evolving forward here now. What is theoretical physics? suggesting the universe isn't perpetually balancing new total sums present all the time as combined results never stay same shape formed as arrived forward now.

Natural perpetual motion sustains a universal point of anything existing is perpetually balancing as combined total sum of individual parts here compounding into a new total sum constantly per individual part making genetic results eternally spearated inception to extinction of life in specific atmosphere being specific ancestral displacements now relative to galaxy, solar system, planetary uniqueness.
anyone promoting 'more than two genders' and bullshit like 'men have periods/men can get pregnant/women can have penis's' has zero fucking business talking about science.

Would you agree than men and women have different brain structures? Because this is scientific fact.

Male and female brains react very differently when presented with the same stimuli. This has been demonstrated countless times via MRI scans. For example, when a man is shown a violent movie scene or a pornographic scene, specific areas of his brain light up, and very different specific areas of the female brain light up when shown the same stimuli.

You're following so far?

Now, most humans with male genitalia have a male brain and most humans with female genitalia have a female brain. But a small percentage of humans have the genitalia of one sex and the brain of the opposite sex. This is also scientific fact. These are the people who often feel like they are in the "wrong body" and often elect to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

How would you define the gender of someone who was born with a penis but also with a brain structure identical to the average woman? Or vice versa? It's really not as simple as ignoring the brain and looking at what's between the legs.