Picture of the Day

Is that bush crying again? I mean, why doesn't he get together with that weeper Boehner and they can have themselves a good cry and then eat a pint of ice cream and wring their hands over the fat calories.
Is that bush crying again? I mean, why doesn't he get together with that weeper Boehner and they can have themselves a good cry and then eat a pint of ice cream and wring their hands over the fat calories.

Then I see Barb Bush standing over the two of them telling them to suck it up and take it like a man, like she does!
Is that bush crying again? I mean, why doesn't he get together with that weeper Boehner and they can have themselves a good cry and then eat a pint of ice cream and wring their hands over the fat calories.

Does this jacket make me look fat?
Remember when the cons would make fun of President Clinton when he cried in public?

Now its cool when Bush does it!
What's he crying about? The Texas Rangers lost a close one in the bottom of the ninth? This much I'm sure of: Bush doesn't cry over all the people he's killed.

Perhaps it's over all the anti-Bush protests during his visit to Australia today.
Remember when the cons would make fun of President Clinton when he cried in public?

Now its cool when Bush does it!
No, they made fun of him because he made it obviously faked. Like the funeral where he's walking along making jokes and suddenly sees the camera...

In less than half a step he went from smiling and joking to wiping a "tear"...
Damo, if you weren't already married, I would propose to you right now...well, if that's how you really answer a question like that anyway.
It's the only way to answer that question and get away with your manhood intact. Well, other than a 'grunt'...
I read the article. Bush says he cries more tears than you could count.
Poor little thing, no one wants to play with him anymore.

I think that shot was from when rove left....