Pills becoming the new marijuana on campus


Villified User
Experts: Pills becoming the new marijuana on campus

By Elizabeth Cohen

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- The prescription drugs allegedly found in Al Gore III's possession Wednesday are favorites among young people, according to drug abuse experts, who say prescription drugs may soon overtake street drugs in popularity.

Some young people perceive that prescription drugs are safer than street drugs, experts say.

"I wouldn't be surprised if right now at this point in time, there are more kids abusing prescription drugs than abusing marijuana," said Joseph A. Califano Jr., chairman and president of CASA, the National Center on Alcohol and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. Gore was arrested on charges of possessing -- in addition to marijuana -- Vicodin, Xanax, Valium and Adderall.

According to a CASA report, between 1993 and 2005 the proportion of college students abusing Vicodin and other opiods went up 343 percent, about 240,000 individuals. The numbers increased 450 percent, or by 170,000 students, for tranquilizers such as Xanax and Valium, and 93 percent, or 225,000 students, for stimulants, including Adderall.

Prescription drug abuse is particularly common among upper middle class students, according to Lisa Jack, a clinical psychologist at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

"It just goes to show that where you're from doesn't matter," Jack said.

And young people don't have to go far to get these drugs. "Prescription drugs are very easy for kids to get," Califano said. "They can get them from the Internet. They can get them from their parents' medicine cabinets. They can get them from their friends."

He said often students get them from friends who were prescribed these drugs legitimately.

"Kids sell them to each other," Jack said. "Drug trading happens all the time."

Experts say it's particularly a problem with Adderall, a drug prescribed legitimately to millions of young people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

According to CASA, more than a third of children ages 11-18 in Wisconsin and Minnesota who'd been prescribed Adderall and other ADHD medications reported being approached to sell or trade their drugs.

And often they say yes, according to one Canadian study that found one out of four teens who'd been legitimately prescribed Ritalin gave or sold some of their drugs.

Another appeal to prescription drugs, besides the easy access, is that young people often perceive them as safer.

"They don't have to go to the streets and deal with some guy they don't know and get marijuana where they don't know what's in it," Califano said. "Also, they see their parents using these drugs, so they seem safe."

And the moremoan state of Utah has the higherst prescription drug abuse level of any other state. I think KY is second or third....
And Utah is one of the big Bush states so it is full on cons.....
I wonder when Rush Limbaugh will be raging against this as another example of a liberal, out of control society, characterized by moral relativity?

Ooops. Wait. I forget Rushter is a pill head himself.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say 700,000 kids in jail for the ghanja which is less harmfull than beer and cigarettes. Hmmm, wonder how many lobyist those two groups support.