Pimply Faced Youth Slanders Ron Paul


New member

Well, I was at that secession conference and presented a paper there. It was sponsored by the Mises Institute, which has nothing to do with Confederates, neo or otherwise, as anyone who surveyed the Institute's programs on its web site (www.mises.org) would know. The PFY did not bother because he is only interested in slandering Ron Paul, not in being a serious journalist.

My paper was about the Northern secessionist tradition prior to the War between the States, including the Hartford, Ct. secession convention of 1814, and the secession movements of the mid-Atlantic states that existed prior to the war (see the book, The Secession Movement in the Middle States by William Wright). The famous abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison was a Northern secessionist whose credo was "No Covenant with Death," the "covenant" being the U.S. Constitition, and "death" being slavery. Other papers had to do with the Quebec secession movement, European secession movements, federalism in general, how the U.S. was created by a war of secession from the British empire, and even "How to Secede in Business" by substituting arbitration for litigation.

But don't take my word for it. The proceedings of the conference, which the PFY is obviously ignorant of, were published as a book: Secession, State and Liberty, edited by Dr. David Gordon, whose Ph.D. from UCLA is in the field of intellectual history. It includes essays by scholars and professors from Emory University, Florida State University, UNLV, University of Montreal, University of South Carolina, and even a lawyer from Buffalo, New York. It was published a few years after the Soviet empire imploded as the result of eleven separate acts of peaceful secession, which made it especially relevant to social scientists.

In fact, secession remains a lively topic of academic discourse, something that the PFY is obviously unfamiliar with. A few weeks ago a secession conference sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities was held in Chrleston, South Carolina, featuring some thirty historians and legal scholars. In little Jamie Kirchick's empty mind, the NEH must necessarily be a hotbed of pro-slavery sentiment. (A friend in academe tells me that the participants in this conference spanned the ideological spectrum from left/liberal to Marxist).

Only an ignorant conspiracy theorist like Jamie Kirchick would assume that anyone who studies secession in a scholarly way is necessarily some kind of KKK-sympathizing kook. He knows that Ron Paul will not sue him for defamation because he is a public figure. I, however, am not a public figure.
Pimply faced youths, white ones, usually all male, and first time voters who don't know shit about politics, white ones, usually all male, is all Paul has going for him.
I don't know guys. I think someone did mention seeing a black person at a kla....err I mean Ron Paul rally.
Our local meetup organizer is black....

Check to see if he still has his nuts .. the ones they keep in the house usually don't.

It is indisputable that Paul does not attract large or even medium numbers of blacks .. and there is a very good reason why he doesn't.
Check to see if he still has his nuts .. the ones they keep in the house usually don't.

It is indisputable that Paul does not attract large or even medium numbers of blacks .. and there is a very good reason why he doesn't.

I've had great success at getting black students on campus to support the Congressman. I'd say out of the about 40 students who attend every twice-a-week meeting, a good 8 or 9 are black. That's much higher than their composition of the electorate as a whole.

I'd say I've personally had more success talking to black students about the Congressman than I have stuckup, pampered Brookie white kids. The black students at least recognize the value of a long, hard day's work and the importance of freedom. The Brookies are typical government dependents, used to having everything in life handed to them on someone else's bill.
Check to see if he still has his nuts .. the ones they keep in the house usually don't.

It is indisputable that Paul does not attract large or even medium numbers of blacks .. and there is a very good reason why he doesn't.

Got to meetup.com and Search for Ron Paul meetups in the Canton Ohio area and check for yourself. I'm not looking to cop a feel.
I've had great success at getting black students on campus to support the Congressman. I'd say out of the about 40 students who attend every twice-a-week meeting, a good 8 or 9 are black. That's much higher than their composition of the electorate as a whole.

I'd say I've personally had more success talking to black students about the Congressman than I have stuckup, pampered Brookie white kids. The black students at least recognize the value of a long, hard day's work and the importance of freedom. The Brookies are typical government dependents, used to having everything in life handed to them on someone else's bill.

Are these 8th grade students?

Most informed blacks are not supporting Paul.

I read and write within the black press everyday, and I'm connected with what is happening throuighout the black communities in America, and there is no rush to support this man. In fact, there is far more hate for him there than support.
Are these 8th grade students.

Most informed blacks are not supporting Paul.

I read black black press everyday and I'm connected with what is happening throuighout the black communities in America and there is no rush to support this man. In fact, there is far more hate for him there than support.

Well I don't know every black man in America, so I'm not going to try to extrapolate Paul's national support from African Americans. I am telling you that personally, in my little corner of the country, I have had remarkable success in showing educated, college age black men and women how important freedom really is.
Are these 8th grade students?

Most informed blacks are not supporting Paul.

I read and write within the black press everyday, and I'm connected with what is happening throuighout the black communities in America, and there is no rush to support this man. In fact, there is far more hate for him there than support.

Ok, guys, just give up and go home. BAC works for the "black press", so clearly he is the Jesse Jackson of black internet users.
Folks, wake up, the only reason RonPaul is running for President is because he, like most of us, though libs won’t admit to it, read the Starr Report? Ever since he found out that Monica liked the Presidential weenie, with relish, RonPaul has been obsessed with getting some of that chubby intern action? Chubby sex is a lot of fun, butt, let’s not carried away Beefy, at your size it becomes dangerous? Monica with her pleasingly plump lips and body, has been on RonPaul’s mind, like Willie Nelson wrote about her, always? Sorry, butt, the truth hurts sometimes, butt, also feels good, come clean?
Folks, wake up, the only reason RonPaul is running for President is because he, like most of us, though libs won’t admit to it, read the Starr Report? Ever since he found out that Monica liked the Presidential weenie, with relish, RonPaul has been obsessed with getting some of that chubby intern action? Chubby sex is a lot of fun, butt, let’s not carried away Beefy, at your size it becomes dangerous? Monica with her pleasingly plump lips and body, has been on RonPaul’s mind, like Willie Nelson wrote about her, always? Sorry, butt, the truth hurts sometimes, butt, also feels good, come clean?

If you are a native English speaker, kill yourself.
If you are a native English speaker, kill yourself.

Grammatical worries are for non-mensas such as yourself, Gonzotard. When you become a mensa, you transcend grammar, butt, the chances of you ever finding out personally are the same as RonPaul getting the chance to offer Monica his Presidential weenie, which will remain non-Presidential and relished by no one sorry?