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Worst gambler ever
I'm offering 2:1 odds that Hillary Clinton gets the democratic nomination. In other words, put up $60 that someone else gets it, and if that hapens, I'l pay out $120. This window is open until 10:00 PM Eastern, August 29th 2007. Place your bets.

I do pay my bills. Ask Robdawg.

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hey not complaining or anything , but I thought you were gone for a while ?

I am gone for a while. I'm in Monroe, WA, working at the Evergreen State Fair, I had a split shift today and my roommate has a computer. Sue me.

Place your bets.
I am gone for a while. I'm in Monroe, WA, working at the Evergreen State Fair, I had a split shift today and my roommate has a computer. Sue me.

Place your bets.

I hope you're having fun Beefy.

I'm not going to take your bet though. The diehard inside of me is hopeful she won't get it, but smart money says she's the nominee and I know that.