Please Pray for a good Friend of mine...

Ted Haggard

Verified User
Dear Friends,
Please keep him in your prayers, for a speedy recovery from the temptations of Satan. If you can find it in your heart to make a donation to my Gay-Recovery and Prostitution Addiction-Recovery clinic, I would appreciate it. God bless.

Ex-Christian Group Leader Pleads Guilty to Solicitation Charges

Aug. 22, 2007
Salisbury — A former republican lawmaker and president of a North Carolina Christian group pleaded guilty Wednesday to soliciting a prostitute.

Coy C. Privette, 74, of Kannapolis, was placed on probation for one year after pleading guilty to six counts of aiding and abetting prostitution. He also was ordered to perform 48 hours of community service and receive counseling.

Privette was arrested last month after investigators said he rented a hotel room and paid Tiffany Denise Summers, 32, of Salisbury, for sexual acts. Summers was charged with six counts of prostitution in the case.

Privette said he is going to dedicate considerable time and effort to "repair" himself.

"I am already seeking professional attention to this end," he said. "As I undergo much needed personal and spiritual reflection, I sincerely ask everyone to keep me in their thoughts and prayers on my journey to earn back the trust that I have lost."
I think Dano is still looking for Dem pervs to post.
Well he does have that list from dem pervs dating back to 1812 or so...